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As every country knows, Japan's hobby, probably favorite hobby, is taking photos! And by taking photos, I mean taking any chance to take a photo. Whether it would be embarrassing, cute, horrific, or any of the above, he probably had taken a picture of it.
And trust me, he takes a lot of pictures of himself with America everyday.

Anyway, today Japan decided to go through some of the photos he had taken being accompanied by America, his very close "roommate".

"HAHA!! That picture always cracks me up!"

"Hah. It is very funny indeed America."

After flipping through a few funny pictures, things started getting steamy real fast because there were a few pictures of, France and England.

"Aha... what a good lau- holy frick dude... is that... France?? And England??"

"It seems as so."

"WOAH... I didn't know they do— that... I didn't even know they were together!!"

"Aha... well I found out a very long time ago, America-San."

"I didn't realize you take these types of pics too.. I thought it was just cool and cute pics like the ones we take!"

"Yes... it's sort of, a hobby... I guess you could call it that."

"Well, that's pretty wicked dude... do you even get caught?"

"Sometimes I do, but I get away in time mostly."

"Hey can I see your camera for a bit?"

"Of course."

Japan hands America the camera and America flips through more photos, seeing if there are new couples he didn't know about.
To his surprise the only couple that he could find on the camera was France and England.

"Are you looking for something in particular, America-San?"

"Yeah... Wait a sec...- you don't have any couples on here except France and England...? Did anyone else hook up without me knowing?"

"Not that I know of... though I know that France and England have been together for quite sometime now. And...-"

"Yeah like, the only steamy pics on here are literally France and England... you got a thing for them or..."

"I just think that their relation is cute, that's all."

"You don't think OUR relationship is cute??"

"America... I am not dating you, I am your "roommate"."

"Well... I'm gonna say it..."

"Say what?"

America could feel his heartbeat increase rapidly, and he finally spit it out!
"I like you dude! And I've liked you for awhile actually..."

America then pulls Japan into a bear hug, which Japan hopes on not leaving soon.

"Aw, America... I like you as well."

America then looked to Japan, still hugging him.

"Now are you just saying that or-"

"No, I mean it." Japan says, his cheeks with a slight blush, "I like you America, you're very much a hero to me."

"Me?? A hero? To you!" America's face instantly lit up with a giant smile on his face.

"Yes..! You always are there to help me, and you are a great person America." Japan responded smiling slightly.
And that just made America even more happier, squeezing Japan more into his hug.

America then grabbed the camera, "Dude... we have to totally take a pic of this moment!"

"That would be nice, wouldn't it?"

"Here, take the pic Japan-.." America said as he handed the camera off to his boyfriend (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Japan held the camera high, "smile..!"

The both of them smiled brightly, capturing the moment perfectly.

Japan then lowered him arm down to look at the picture he had taken.

"Can you write stuff on here?"

"Yes, you can actually."

"Can I write somethin'?"

"Of course."

America uses his finger to write on the picture.

Boyfriends! 3.30.18

"There we go... now we'll remember it forever!"

Japan then took back the camera and looked at what he had wrote and just chuckled at it.

"OMG, Japan, dude... because we're like dating now... we should tell someone.. right?"

"I mean, we can keep it a secret."

"Should we?? Someone's gonna find out eventually."

"Who would you tell first?"

"Well duh, my brother! Canada!"

"Maybe another day America-san....Remember, we have a world meeting today, we haven't even gotten ready and it starts in a few."


Japan then powered down his camera and set it down on a countertop.

"I'm going to get ready for the meeting America-san."

"Me too I guess."

Japan could just sense a bit of sadness in America, he sighed and said to him,



"You can tell your brother about our relationship today at the meeting if that makes you any better."



America then runs up to Japan and hugs him.


"One thing though."


"Why do you want to tell him so badly?"

"Because duh! He's my bro! I tell him EVERYTHING... we never keep secrets! That's like breaking our brother law thing."

"Ah, Okay."

"So I can tell him we're dating today at the meeting, yeah??"


America just squeezed Japan harder into his hug.

"YES! YES! YES! If I couldn't today I would've EXPLODED by the end of the day.!"

"Whatever makes you happy America." Japan said smiling ever-so slightly.

America then released Japan from his hug and got ready for the meeting.

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