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Kim Seokjin POV

"Can you drive a little faster?" I carefully asked the Uber driver.

The old man driving me already looked pissed off the moment I entered the vehicle. I didn't want to provoke him any further by being pushy or annoying.

Fortunately, he only grumbled at my request.

"Whatever." He mumbled, before speeding up a little more.

I sink back into my seat, sighing at just about everything that was happening.

Who could it be?

My head was shifting through the numerous possibilities of who could've targeted Namjoon. But every other league that came to mind didn't really fit the profile.

Maybe it was Regal?

I haven't heard shit from them in years.

All they ever did was poke at how the noble population is starting to "decline" and were losing our previous power as the #1 league out of the Association.

And they went on and on about how old-school we were and how our rejection of modern tech and strategies was going to cause us to fall.

I'd be lying if I said they weren't one of the reasons for the Liberal League's formation.

Hearing all that talk about how we're falling behind and how they'll overtake us as the superior league probably got to some of them and caused them to believe them. They probably wouldn't have been as influenced to leave if they never heard all that taunting from the Regals.

But back to the matter at hand, I don't know what type of reason they'd need Namjoon.

They would have no use for him they know of, since they aren't nobles.

"We're here." The driver interrupts my thoughts.

I remain dazed for a minute, not realizing we had already pulled up to the intimidating building that was Namjoon's office. I don't even say anything as I exit the vehicle, still deep in thought.

The fact that the Regal may have something to do with Namjoon having a target on his back, it worries me.

Having to deal with small-fry from the Liberal League wasn't going to be a problem.

Especially if I had the opportunity to encounter their Commander and snap that neck of his.

But dealing with the Regal League after all these years, including if they know this "little" secret we've been keeping from them?

That's a can of worms I wouldn't ever want to open.

Walking into the tall, dark, glass building is nothing less of surreal. The sunbeam that shoots through the glistening reflection of the building splits into several beams, lighting the whole place up like a gem. I can't help but gape in awe of the display.

The people all around walk with purpose, not sparing any of their precious time to take in anything that may come as a distraction. They walk in around in bland hues and seem to have no time for anything but their work.

Thinking that Namjoon is involved in this type of field baffles me.

"Sir, may I help you?"

I whip my head around to be faced with a petite woman sitting behind a large, sleek looking white desk. Her hair is reduced to a short, cropped bob, clean and businesslike. She looks at me with empty eyes that reflect close to no emotion at all.

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