The jihope fan

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A/N: This was orginally written between an army friend of mine an me.

A Sam and becca senireo featuring jihope

Setting: soul, South Korea

Backstory:  ( or what ever it's called. We just meet bts and j-hope and jimin are givung us a ride. Sam and I don't know jimins coming.

Keys: us= Sam and I


Hobie: ready to go girls?
Us: yes
Hobie: ok here's here's the car.
All: *stops at car*
Hobie: ok lets get in. * starts to get un car, his rings.* *picks it up* oh it jimin, get in the car and wait girls.
Us: ok *get in car.* start fangirling of jihope, jimin and hobie.
Hobie: gets in car ok looks like we have an extra passenger.
Us: who?
Hobie: that's a surprise.
Us * look out window and see jimin heading towards the car* fuck no way.
Hobie: what
Us: * innocently * oh nothing.
Jimin: *gets in car* hey, nice to see you again.
Us: shit we're screwed.
Jihope: what?
Us: oh noting
Hi hope:* looks at eachother lovingly*
Us ok were really screw
Jikook: what? and fine say noting we know tgat a lie.
Us: really it's  nothing. Wait you heard us.
Jihope: yes * shirt evil at each other* kiss
Us: * dead*

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