(FFXV) Raised by Wolves 2

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The four boys watched as the female hunter took aim. It wasn't difficult to track down the megaloclaw pack again after they reported to Dave over the phone. He immediately sent a couple of hunters to their location to capture the girl. The prince and his friends already knew what to do, and waited patiently for the plan to begin.

The male hunter eyed his target, waiting for his partner to make a move. The woman was kneeling behind several bushes alongside the group. She wielded a tranquilizer gun and carefully aimed at the human girl standing among the pack. As soon as she had a clear shot, she fired. The dart pierced the girl's arm, causing her to yelp. The pack was immediately alerted to the hunters' presence.

In just a few moments, the girl was on the ground, already unconscious. The tranquilizer was meant for beasts, so it took immediate effect on a human. The megaloclaws surrounded the girl protectively, snarling and howling at the humans who emerged from the bushes. It was now Noctis's turn to act. On his signal, he and his friends threw out magic flasks. The small containers burst into flames upon hitting the ground.

The fire rose up around the beasts, a couple of them getting a bit of singed fur and whimpering in response. Unable to stay amidst the flames, the megaloclaws fled, leaving the girl behind. As soon as the monsters were gone, Noctis used a bit of ice magic to extinguish the flames. They hurried over, gazing down at the sleeping girl.

The male hunter pulled the dart from her arm and picked her up. "Mission accomplished. Let's get her back to HQ."

It seemed like in no time at all the group was back at Meldacio. The girl was placed in a small room at Ezma's home. While she was still unconscious, the prince's group questioned Dave.

"So, what's gonna happen to her?" Noctis asked.

"Well, she'll be kept here for now," Dave explained. "I've got hunters out asking around for families who may have lost a child in the past. Ain't found nothing yet. But Professor Yeagre was interested in seeing the girl for herself. She should be arriving soon."

Having taken interest in the strange girl, the group decided to stay a while. They ended up waiting in her room where she slept on the small bed. Getting a closer look at her, they assumed she was somewhere between 15 to 20 years old.

"Do you really think her family is somewhere out there?" Prompto suddenly asked.

"Maybe," Gladio replied. "But it sounds like Sania is on her way here. She may be able to figure something out."

Ignis nodded. "Indeed. It's no wonder the professor would show interest. As a biologist, the report of a girl living with monsters surely piqued her curiosity."

"We'll have to hear her thoughts on the matter," Noctis concluded.

After a little while, the girl finally began to stir. She groggily shifted and partially opened her eyes, the effects of the tranquilizer wearing off. Prompto slowly approached her bedside.

"Hey, you okay?"

Almost instantly, the girl's eyes snapped open and she shot up, swiping at the blond. He stumbled back in surprise, her nails having raked across his cheek, leaving small cuts that trickled with blood. He swiftly darted behind Ignis and Gladio for safety. They all backed up a bit, seeing the girl crouched on the bed. Her amber eyes focused on them as she growled and snarled.

Noctis held his hands up defensively. "It's okay. We're not gonna hurt you."

Despite his words, the girl continued to fearfully growl at them. "I don't think she understands," Ignis pointed out. "She's completely feral."

"We should probably give her some space," Gladio suggested.

They decided to leave her be for now and tell Dave she was up. Once gone, the girl's eyes darted around, scanning her surroundings. She was in an empty room with one door, and a bolted shut window. She searched the room for a means of escape, but couldn't find anything since the door was also locked.

She was terrified, never being so close to humans before. She didn't know what to do. With moisture collecting in her eyes, she began to whimper and howl, hoping for her mother or siblings to hear her. On the other side of the door, Dave and the four boys listened to her. They discussed the situation with him and decided to take responsibility for watching over the girl for the time being.

They got a a bit of cooked garula meat and returned to the room. The girl lied curled up on the bed, but jumped up to a crouching position when she heard them. She snarled at them as the prince approached.

"Careful, Noct," Gladio quietly advised.

With the meat in hand, Noctis slowly moved to stand at the foot of the bed. He held out the food toward her, hoping to coax her closer. "C'mon, I have something tasty for you."

The girl's growling died down and she sniffed the air, catching a whiff of the delicious aroma. She eyed him suspiciously and inched closer. Seeing that he didn't appear to be threatening her, she carefully moved within range and snatched the meat from him before scrambling back to the headboard again.

Prompto hummed in thought. "Now what are we gonna name her?"

Ignis looked at him with slight disbelief. "Prompto, she's a human being, not a pet."

"Yeah, but we gotta call her something... Oh, I know! Terra!"

Noctis watched her munching on the food offering, a faint smile on his lips. "A girl of the land. Terra suits her."

The door suddenly burst open, startling everyone. "I'm here!" the woman at the door said. "Where's the girl?!" She paused, noticing the four men. "Oh, it's you boys again. Seems you're always showing up when a scientific discovery is made."

"Professor Yeagre," Ignis greeted.

Sania immediately turned her attention to Terra, who had already scarfed down her food and now cowered against the headboard of the bed. "I don't believe it..." the woman muttered with a gasp. She stepped a bit closer. "She looks like... Abby."

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