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Patrick nearly tripped, being his clumsy self as he rushed into the hospital, eager to find his daughter. Elisabeth couldn't run well with her baby so Patrick slowed down for her. Together, with the doctor's permission, they entered Olivia's room.

Patrick's heart, that has felt as if it formerly had been dropped from a three-story building, continued to break itself once when he saw his girl laying in bed, blinking and breathing. Tears fell from his eyes to the floor as he darted over to her bed. "Olivia..."

Olivia's gaze turned to them, and the dullness turned to joy. "Dad..."
Elisabeth came up behind Patrick. Olivia glanced at her, tears welling up in her eyes as well. Her heart melted, ached and burned with pain. "Mom..."

"Baby girl," Patrick cooed, taking his daughter's hand in his. "How are you?"

"Bleh." Olivia stuck out her tongue. She was frail-- Patrick noticed. He was gentle with her; he bent over and planted a kiss on her forehead. Elisabeth gently scooted Patrick over so she could see her daughter too.

"Olivia, my darling..." She accidentally let out a sob. "You're okay..."

"I was in a coma, apparently." Olivia froze. "But I feel so good now..."

Elisabeth also gave her a kiss on the cheek. "We thought you were dead..."

Olivia felt herself crying. "I feel like I was given another chance." She smiled weakly up at her parents.

Patrick returned the smile, his eyes watery. Nothing seemed to matter anymore to him. Everything that he has known before suddenly vanished from his mind as he met eyes with his adopted daughter he once thought that he had lost. "Baby girl... you're gonna have a brother-- or sister."

Olivia's eyes widened. "You adopted another kid?" A pang of sorrow pinched her throat as she thought about the possibility that Patrick and Elisa would've gotten over Olivia swiftly and adopted another child.

Elisabeth shook her head and revealed her bump. Olivia gasped, her surreal thoughts suddenly disappearing. "O-Oh!"

Patrick chuckled, placing a gentle hand on his wife's stomach. "You get to name him in honor of you coming back."
Olivia sat up, but regretted that as pain itched up her spine and lay back down, her eyes unbelievable. "R-Really?"

"Yes!" The couple chorused. Patrick removed his hand from Elisa and planted another kiss on Olivia's cheek. "When you get out of the hospital, we will have the best family time yet."

Olivia grinned widely, but in seconds it was exchanged into a frown. "What about James Morten?"

Patrick wasn't surprised she didn't call him dad. Patrick was Olivia's dad now, and he knew that Olivia couldn't go out calling him dad once all that man did was leave pain in the dark where she had once lurked.

"He's dead." Elisabeth chimed in.

"Oh--" Olivia smiled again, though wonkily because she wasn't exactly too sure how to react properly. "I can't wait to get out of here, then."
"I also can't wait for you to get out." Patrick poked her nose gently. "I'll do anything for you. We will have so much fun."

Olivia grinned and closed her eyes. My family is back. Patrick and Elisabeth thought identically to that.
Patrick walked over to Dr. Pepper and tapped his shoulder. "How long until Olivia gets out?" He asked.

Dr. Pepper tapped his chin, thinking. "I'd estimate around two weeks," he replied, eyeing Olivia with the corners of his brown eyes that seemed to be like pools of honey grazing softly on a clear sutface. "Depending on how much rest she gets."

Patrick turned to Olivia, his eagarness rising. "We'll come back every day to visit."

Elisabeth looked at him. "You have tour, sugar. Remember?"
Patrick frowned. "Right; don't you work here?"

"Of course I do," Elisabeth said, slightly irritated that her husband couldn't remember which urgent care she worked at. "I haven't been here much lately because of the tragedy that occurred." She offered a smile. "I'll be working here to take care of Olivia."

Dr. Pepper chuckled. "You'll have to talk to the boss again."
"Wait-" Patrick interrupted. "Who's going to take care of you while you're pregnant?" He asked his wife.

Elisabeth sighed, realizing Olivia was asleep. "I can take care of myself for a few weeks-- then you'll be back to care for Olivia." She smirked, adding: "Maybe we'll even surprise you on tour."

Patrick remembered that Olivia had never met his bandmates before, and that some of his fans had never known about his adopted daughter. Patrick decided it would be a nice opportunity for Olivia when she is better. She could go free outside soon now that her father got the death penalty.

"That would be a dream," Patrick replied, leaving a kiss on his wife's lips. Now we just have to wait two weeks.

Adopted by Patrick Stump ✓Where stories live. Discover now