I Have Been Tagged

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Well Okay Then I have Been Tagged :T

Well Okay Then I have Been Tagged :T

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1. Hmm... I Don't Know.. :|

2.Food? Erm.. I Prefer.. Beef 

3. Ice Cream.

4. I Don't have a Quote or a Phrase :P

5.None :T

6. HA, Jokes on you i don't Have a Crush , Or anything :P

7. Uhm.. Okay Lets See.. My Life Goal is Uhm.. I Don't know actually :T

8.The History Channel :T

9.(In RL) TRANSFORMING Maximus Fortress Titans Return xD

10. Not gonna answer this one .-.

11. Soldiers from Otherwise :D

12. i d o n t k n o w . - .

13.Trying To Be Social XD

Okay , Done Are you happy .-.

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