Imagine This: Part 1

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"Honey I'll be heading to bed now," you called it to your dear husband as you got into bed with the sheets covering the lower half of your body.

"Hm," Yoongi smiled, settling himself in bed as well, "my own wife couldn't wait for me to get into bed with her?"

"I'm tired Yoongi..." you replied with your eyelids slowly falling. Yoongi smiled once more before scooting over closer to you. He kissed your forehead and caressed your hair while you lay on your pillow, watching him, giving him one of the best form of affection that he can give you. "Yoongi..." you started

"Hm?" he replied, suddenly pausing for a slight moment before continuing to run his fingers through your hair.

"I want to ask you something..."

"Go on."

"What if we were being robbed, and they held me hostage... you would save me wouldn't you?" Yoongi chuckled,. He laid on his back, his arm open for you to come in and hold him with your head resting on his chest.

"___," he said, "you make it sound like I'm not one to go through lengths to protect you." His arms enveloped your exhausted body while still playing with your hair.

"Ok, but what if they were huge men! They tied me to a chair! Or they taped my mouth and put me over some boiling water and needed you to give ransom in order to get me back?"

"What is this, a movie? Honey I think you've been watching way too many action movies" he replied. "No matter what, and I swear on my life, I'll do anything to make sure you're safe."

You looked up at him who's smiling to give you the assurance that he guarantees he could provide. He held you even tighter, giving you multiple kisses on your forehead until you fell asleep, safe and sound in his arms.

Yoongi, however, just watched as you slept. "Let's just hope things like that don't happen to us," he thought to himself. He held onto your arm that's wrapped around his chest with wide opened eyes staring at the ceiling. His thoughts went everywhere, thinking about the question you asked him until his mind was bothered by his cell vibrating on the side.

"Hello?" Yoongi answered.

"Hyung! I'm sorry to call you so late but... remember the guys that threatened us at the restaurant the other day?" called Jimin in a panic.

"What about them? Are they after you?"

"Uh... not necessarily but, they sent me a text a few seconds ago. They said they'll be visiting one of us one night. They didn't say when exactly..."

"Jimin I think you're panicking a bit too much. They don't even know where we live..." said Yoongi confidently.

"But hyung-"

"Listen Jimin I think you need to get some sleep. You're thinking a bit way too much tonight" said Yoongi, "you should also get some rest before RM is hard on you again for messing up the dance practices."

"*sigh* Hyung, just be careful. You know who to call if you need help.."

"I don't have anything to worry about but thank you..." Yoongi finished with ending the call, turning off the bedside lights and went to bed.


A few hours had passed and you kept tossing and turning in bed that when you opened your eyes you noticed the room, dark as black, and silent. But such a silence was interrupted as you could hear noise coming from outside of your door. "Yoongi..." you whispered over to your husband who was sound asleep.

You continue to hear glass breaking, doors being slammed, and things being knocked over onto your hardwood floors. "Yoongi..." you whispered again, this time, trying to nudge him awake.

"Honey...what is it?" Yoongi asked with a raspy voice.

"Do you hear that?" you replied being a little more alert.

Yoongi sat up, slowly opening his eyes and rubbed them before listening to what you were hearing. He heard low, deep voices of men, speaking to each other as they rummaged through the house without yet entering your room.

"Honey, go hide in the closet..." Yoongi demanded. You immediately did so, taking quick and silent steps to where you sat in the black corner of your small closet. You closed it a little, enough o see what Yoongi was doing as he pulled out a handgun from in between the mattresses.

"Yoongi... be careful..." you whispered. You continued to watch as Yoongi loaded his gun, and slowly made his way over to the door.

"These are probably the people Jimin mentioned about... should I call him?" he asked himself. As he approached the door, he could hear the men angrily stepping forward to where they swung the door open, revealing Yoongi holding the gun towards them.

"Hah! I told you he lived here!" said one of the men. You peaked your head a little to confirm that there was more than one. To be straightforward, there were three.

"What are we going to do with you..." said the other, teasing Yoongi. Yoongi furrowed his brow and aimed his gun at the second man that spoke. Shots fired, only aiming to hit his clavicle. "So that's how you wanna play?!"

The third man came rushing, grabbing and carrying Yoongi before he was thrown across the room. His back hit the wall hard,enough for him to only be slightly conscious.

"I could've sworn I saw pictures of his wife here..." said the first man. "She's pretty as hell too."

"Don't you dare go near my wife..." Yoongi said.

"Oh...she's here? Let's look for her" said the first man. You quickly moved in the closet, trying to hide from them completely behind the pile of clothes.

"Come out of the closet Mrs. Min!" said one of the men. You held your breath, hoping that they wouldn't hear a single exhale from you. You hoped that they wouldn't find you from where you sat, but alas, the closet doors were violently opened and a tall, muscular man, grabbed you and pulled you out by the shoulders.

"She's definitely prettier in person," said the first man.

"This guy should learn a lesson. We told you not to mess with us Min Yoongi" the third man said as he held onto Yoongi's hand gun.

Yoongi managed to sit up and stand but with a loss of balance. "I told you not to touch her!" He yelled in anger.

"Or what?" teased the second man. The third man chuckled, bringing the gun up to point with Yoongi, his finger sliding towards the trigger.

"Don't!" You screamed. You ran to Yoongi, standing in front of him to block the gun.

"Move out of the way! Your dear husband here doesn't know how to respect people" said the third man.

"I'll do whatever you want. If you want me to go with you, I will. Just please spare my husband..." you begged with tears flowing down your cheeks.

"___ do not do this please..." Yoongi said as he turned you around to hug you.

"Hey boss, should I shoot em both?" asked the third man.

The first man, or the boss, looked at you both with arms folded, pondering about the consequences he can give to Yoongi. "Take the wife..." he demanded.

"No,,." cried Yoongi, and before he knew it, the second and third man immediately had their hands on you.

You held onto Yoongi tightly, never wanting to let go. But by the strength of the two men, it was impossible. The second man shoved Yoongi back to the ground and all that your husband could do, watch as they took you away right in front of his eyes.

"You have a week to give me $100,000. Otherwise... your wife is mine," finished the boss before he walked away with his men and Yoongi watching helplessly on the floor.

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