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I wish I can read Hyunjin's mind. I thought while staring at the studying boy.

"He's so beautiful..." I sighed.

"Shut up Seungmin. Stop crushing on Hyunjin and study." Felix whispered next to me. I glared at him before continuing staring at Hyunjin.

"Mr. Kim, stop staring at Mr. Hwang and listen to my class for once!" My english teacher, Mr. Bang scolded me in english. He didn't want Hyunjin to know what he was talking about that's why. I understood english because I lived in LA for 3 months.

"Yes sir!" I saluted in a joking way and faced the board, half-heartedly.

I noticed at the corner of my eyes that Hyunjin looked at me confused in what was happening. I bit my lips to stop it from smiling.

"Mr. Lee, read this sentence and complete it." Felix hyung look startled. His hands were signaling me to help him.

"My name __ Bang Chan. Uh... Uh... The answer..." I whispered 'Is' through my gritted teeth. He knows english, but the problem is his mind lingers in another place.

"IS!! My name is Bang Chan!" I saw Mr. Bang adjust his glasses, squinting his eyes at me.

"Okay, sit down Mr.Lee. 'Is' is correct!" He wrote the word 'is' in a cursive manner. Felix sighed in relief, "Thanks Seungmin."

"You owe me lunch, bish." If you're wondering why Felix can't answer earlier, it's because all he thinks about is Seo Changbin.

The bell rang indicating it was lunch time already. "Finally! Free lunch from this koala!!" I screamed, stretching my tired muscles. Sitting can be pretty tiring.

"Whatever Seungmin, let's go now. I have to catch up with Changbin." I pouted before following Felix.

"No need to hurry Felix! Changbin isn't your boyfriend anyway." Felix turned to me with wide eyes. He aimed a fake punch at me, I laughed.

"Aigoo, you dipshit! I'm a little straight unlike you. Stop paring me with my friend." When we reached the cafeteria. Felix left me to go in line for food.

"You know where we sit, and I already know what you want." I was looking at Felix, so when I opened the door I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." I bowed immediately. Luckily that person wasn't carrying anything or it might be trouble.

"Oh no, no! It's fine really." When I recognized the voice, my heart raced at the same time my eyes widens.

"Ah it was you Hyunjin. Sorry again." Everytime I talk to him, I try my best to hide my feelings and I'm actually doing good.

"Seungmin! It's really fine don't mind me at all. Ahh! Earlier in Mr. Bang's class, what did he say? I kinda heard my name when he scolded you." My insides drop from 100 percent calm to 0 percent. My mind was panicking, trying to look for reasons.

"Uh. He scolded me... Because he thought that I was throwing papers at you, but I was passing papers with Felix." I know my explanation is lame. Uugghh! I hope he believes it!

"Aahhh... Okay, thank you. I really thought that something came up. Anyways I gotta go, bye Seungmin." I smiled, lips closed and waved at him.

"Yah, I ordered the food and you're still here?" Felix popped out from nowhere. I hit him on the shoulder for making me jump.

"You peach! Don't just pop out like that from anywhere! Anyone who sees you're face is gonna be startled." Felix rolled his eyes and walk past me, I just followed him again.

"Felix-ah! What took you so long? I'm so hungry waiting." Changbin hyung whined as Felix slip right next to him.

"Shush now Changbin, I'm here. Go eat." Changbin hyung started devouring his food. I smiled as Felix gave me my tray.

"Thanks again Felix! I'll eat well." I smiled at him, he just sighed before eating.

Later that day I laid in my bed. Thinking about one certain person.

"Aish, Hwang Hyunjin. Stop entering my mind for once." I closed my eyes then drifted to dream land.


seonhoeya hey potatwo;) here's the Seungjin fic I promised u. 💞

Hello everyone from stray kids fandom! I hope you like this story like the others!😊💕

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