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Words kept coming out from my teacher's mouth. It also kept on going in and out of my ears, this lesson was learned for the past 3 years. Why does it have to be taught to us again?

My eyes casually dragged to a boy who was not sitting properly. Almost like melting from his chair from complete boredom. His hair styled for today, a bit curly. Making it look dishiveled naturally, it adds to his appearance nicely.

I can't believe I'm checking him out again. Pathetic me. You once had the chance but you let go of it, my conscience whispered. Out of frustration I leant forward to rest my chin to my hand.

There's nothing else I can do but watch. Lunch came by pretty fast, which is a rare happening. The sky poured like there's no tomorrow. From the cafeteria windows, I could see the green field turning into a muddy puddle from the heavy rain.

The school speakers made an ear piercing sound, cue that it was opened. A lot of student covered their ears, one of them was Felix.

"Seriously, they need to upgrade the school speaker. We're not paying thousands of bills just to learn, atleast make the school use it." I couldn't agree less. Our school lacked almost everything at some point, I'm actually surprised many students chose to study here.

"They use it for their own luxuries. Everyone knows it. It's not even news anymore, that everything we pay goes to waste." I added, which Felix nodded in agreement.

"Students, classes for the afternoon are cancelled due to heavy rain. We have informed your parents or guardian to fetch you here in school for more safety. Thank you, please proceed to your respective classrooms after the bell." And then it was followed by a beeping sound, indicating it was turned off. The whole student that was in the cafeteria celebrated.

"Wanna come over to my house and binge watch black mirror?" My mouth opened to answer Felix, when a new set of hands rested on our table. Felix and I looked up to see who the person was.

"Hey Seungmin, Felix." Hyunjin casted off a smile, his eyes disappearing at the moment. Now, calm down heart, I might rip you out of my chest.

"Hello Hyunjin. What's up?" I casually said. That sounds so lame Seungmin, it sounded like 'hEy HYUNjin. wHaTS UhHp?'. Yes, I love dissing myself so much.

"I just want to take the chance since we don't have classes later..." He paused and glanced at me with one eyebrow up, "Why don't we plan out our project? We don't have much time anyway." It's not like he asked me out, right? What are you quacking up for Seungmin?

I threw Felix a knowing glance, before giving out a reply to Hyunjin. "Sure, I just have to tell my mom she doesn't need to pick me up anymore." I smiled as I finished off my sentence. Hyunjin clasped his hands.

"Great, then it's settled. Catch me later at the school entrance so we can go together." With that he left. I breathed out a long sigh, like I just held my breath for the longest time.

"That answers my invitation then. No binge watching until late night on school nights. My boy finally got invited to his crush's house ayeee!" Felix bumped my shoulders with his fist, pushing me a little. I tried my best to glare at him but miserably fails because I can't stop smiling at all.

My cheekbones hurt. "Shut up it's not like we're together anyway. Felix Lee, I think you're forgetting something?" I sent him a suspecting look. Felix gulped and avoided my eyes for some reason.

"Ah! You haven't told me what happened to your pizza date with Changbin. Lix, it's been 24 hours since that happened. Where is my juicy story?" As quick as that I put the spotlight on him. Felix was now in his own world called Binnie, Binnie, Changbinnie land.

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