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Eyes to eyes. We continued to stare at each other.

Tulips, tulips, tulips! I kept on chanting in my mind. The timer set off and we both shouted our thoughts.

"TULIPS!" "BABY'S BREATH!" Our shoulder slumped. We didn't get the same thought again.

"I think we might have to use script for our Telepathy game." I said as I bit my nails in frustration. Hyunjin and I decided that we should just show what the word 'Telepathy' means than search google for help. Unfortunately for us, we've been trying to guess what the other think for about an hour now.

"Then that doesn't show it at all! We need to prove them that our minds are connected." Oh, believe me it's connected before but it didn't end up so well. I don't even want to go back there anymore.

"Look, I googled our assigned word and in order to do it. We must have the same feelings, the same everything! We just need to know each other better, that's it." Hyunjin bit his lip for a second, thinking. Wow, those lips are really fine. I want to know his lip care routine or if he even have one.

"Hmm, if that's the case then... What's your favorite color? What's your most hated stuff in your room? What's your fashion taste? What do you feel when you see me?" I blushed at his last question which I covered with my hand and a fake cough.

"Are you sure you know what questions you asked me just now? I don't remember everything you said after a minute..." I said as an excuse. Hyunjin ruffled his hair and pouted. How dare he be so cute while being frustrated!? He wasn't given the rights!

"Then this will take time, but is it okay with you?" My lips curved up to a smile and nodded. "It's fine, this is project anyway."

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days and it's our third day to get to know each other well for this project.

I can't actually consider going out with Hyunjin to tell my likes and dont's to him as a date. Why not? One, he didn't mention it was. Two, we don't feel the same anymore. Three, it's pure project no flirting.

Friday came by so fast, making it seem like a dream to me. That we got partnered and that we always have to spend time with each other. Next monday is the deadline for our project.

I waited for Hyunjin in my usual waiting spot after school. The school entrance. He said I should meet him here, after school so he could catch up with friends and put things inside his locker.

I looked at the time on my wristwatch, that says 4pm.

"Minnie!" The person who called me jumped at my back, making me stumble a bit to the front. I faced him, my eyes big from shock as his face was just next to mine.

"Hyunjin, for sheep's sake you almost made us fall." I scolded him and he only gave me an apologetic smile. It makes my heart soft.

"Sorry, Minnie. I was just excited for our date!" After I heard him say this, surely my stomach did lots of twists and turns.

"D-date?" I stammered. Hyunjin nodded happily. Well, this is new.

He held my hands as he pulled me with him to our destination. I feel heat creeping up my face, because of our hands that's connected.

What suddenly got into him that gave him so much gay confidence?

After 5 minutes of half walking and running, we halted infront of a movie renting shop. I gave Hyunjin a questioning look, that he answered again with his sheepish smile.

"Really? We're renting a movie for our date?" I said still not believing what's happening. Hyunjin shrugged, his smile never leaving his face.

"What are you up to Hwang Hyunjin?" I eyed him with suspecting eyes. "You'll see, Minnie. Now, let's pick your favorite movies!" I rolled my eyes but nonetheless I followed him inside the rental shop.

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