"Mating season? What's mating season?" ~Natsu D.

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~Nobody's p.o.v.~

The train finally arrived at our destination, Lucy shook Lisanna a bit and she sturred. "Mmmm... Lucy" Lisanna said and wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist, Lucy blushed as Lisanna buried her face in Lucy's chest.

"Lisanna, wake up were here" Lucy says shaking Lisanna more, "Huh?" Lisanna looks up and blushes realizing that she was holding onto the blonde.

"S-Sorry L-lucy" Lisanna said and quickly stood up and hurriedly got her luggage, Lucy got her own stuff and headed off the train and looked around for her silver headed friend, only to see that she was nowhere in sight.

Lucy sighed as she walked around "Lisanna! Lisanna! Where did you run off to!?" Lucy shouted looking for her friend she was walking when she heard someone shout her name "Lucy! Help-" Lisanna was cut off from another voice, Lucy dropped her luggage and sprinted in the direction of the voice.

"Lisanna! Lisan-" Lucy cut herself off and anger immideately flared up in her, all she knew was that she felt heat courseing thru her.

"What the hell!?" one of the men assulting Lisanna said, taking his hand out from under her shirt.

Lisanna was wide eyed but Lucy didn't know why, it all happened all at once. All Lucy could remember was that she jumped toward the men, the men were on fire, then Lisanna was safe.

Lucy got Lisanna out of the alleyway "Lucy! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah I'm fine! I should be asking you that! They didn't hurt you did they?" Lucy asked scanning Lisanna from head to toe checking for injuries.

Lisanna blushed "B-but you were on fire?" she said looking at Lucy, who looked a mixture of shocked and puzzled.

Lucy was honestly scared, she felt this weird feeling inside of her that felt all tangly and weird. Suddenly vines shot out of the ground and wrapped themselves around Lisanna, Lucy looked around and didn't see anybody.

"Lucy.... Stop, breathe!" Lisanna said, there were vines around her wrists and ankles suspending her in the air,

"But, but I'm not doing anything I don't think!" Lucy said frightened and the vines tightening.

The vines started wrapping themselves around Lisanna's upper thigh's and waist squeezing and more were wrapping around her shoulders, "Lucy, take a big breath in, then let it out contol your emotions" Lisanna said.

Lucy does as she's told and Lisanna can feel the vines loosening and some going back to the ground, soon Lisanna is back on the ground and Lucy runs over to her.

"Lisanna! I don't know what happened! I'm scared!" Lucy said crying into Lisanna's chest,

"I-It's ok Lucy, we should head back and ask Levy or Mira what's happening" Lisanna said patting Lucy's head.

Lucy nods and they find Lucy's disgaurded stuff and go back to the train, when they show up at the guild everyone is staring at them.

"You're back from the mission already?" Erza asked.

"No we didn't even make it to the person's house to ask them about the job, I was attacked by these men and Lucy saved me... but that's why were here. Somethings happening to Lucy, when she got angry she.... she was surrounded by fire...." Lisanna said.

"S-surrounded by fire!? Is she ok!?" Natsu said looking at Lucy and Lisanna.

"She's fine just a little shaken up" Lisanna says and looks at Lucy whose obviously scared, Lisanna is secretly wishing that the vines don't show up again.

Mira is smirking "It's almost Lucy's 18th birthday isn't it?"

"Yes..?" Lisanna says with an eyebrow raised, whispers go around the guild "Mating season" is one of the most common whispers Lisanna hears.

"Mating season? What's mating season?" Natsu asks and a couple of the members face palm, Lisanna blushes when she hears this.

"Yeah, it's also almost Lisanna's 18th birthday too" Mira says, "Dragon and God mating season is just around corner too" Laxus says looking at Wendy, Chelia, and Natsu.

"Every dragon slayer, celestial mage, and take-over mage come here now!" Mira yells and Natsu, Lucy, Elfman, Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus, Lisanna, and Chelia who was visiting the guild to see Wendy walked up to Mira.

"Laxus, Gajeel, and Elfman you may go" the three nod and walk off.

"Ok so! Mating season... there comes a time for Celestial Mages and Take-Over mages when they need to mate and that is close to their 18th birthday it's called the Celestial take-over season. But as for Dragon and God slayers it is named Dragon mating season and God mating season, this occurs around your 15th birthday... but Natsu being Natsu his is taking a while. But you will know who your mate is when you touch each other there will be a spark of lightning between you two... but if you don't find your mate then your magic will back fire, Celestial mages keys will break, Take-over mages main soul will take over forever, Dragon slayers will turn into dragons, and God slayers will die, there is a time limit for this to happen... Celestial mages, Take-over mages, and Dragon slayers have 2 weeks, but God slayers only have one week. I find it hilarious by the way that you 5 have birthdays really close to each other, so now you understand right?"

The 5 were blushing, Lisanna and Natsu were both looking at Lucy who was looking at the ground, Wendy was looking at Romeo but Chelia was looking at Wendy.

Natsu grabbed Lucy's wrist and dragged her away but soon Lisanna came storming up and grabbed Lucy's other wrist and the same lightning crossed over their touch again.

Lucy and Lisanna looked at each other and Natsu kept grabbing and ungrabbing Lucy's wrist but there was no spark, the two girls looked at Mira who nodded her head.

"Oh! and I forgot to mention two things, one a celestial mage will be able to use different elements, and two the mate can be of the same gender..." Mira said winking at Cana who blushed and turned in her seat.

Lisanna and Lucy looked at each other, Lisanna let go of Lucy's wrist and re-grabbed it and the spark happened again.

The two girls looked at each other and blushed, even though Natsu was super dense he understood "No way! You two are soul mates!?"

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