"What do we do now?" ~ Wendy M.

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The two girls looked at each other and blushed, even though Natsu was super dense he understood "No way! You two are soul mates!?"


~Lisanna's p.o.v.~

Lucy and I are soul mates?! No there must be a mistake! I-I mean I'm fine with it but Lucy doesn't seem very thrilled, she actually looks frightened... oh no.

~Nobody's p.o.v.~

Vines soon shot up out of the guild floors, and wrapped around Lisanna again. Mira's eyes widen, Lucy was feeling a mix of emotions at the moment. Happy, Angry, Scared, Sad, and Confused.

Lightning shot out of her body for Happy,

Fire surrounded her body for Anger,

Vines shot from the ground for Scared,

It started raining outside for Sad,

Wind whipped around  her for Confused,

The guild was looking at Lucy and trying to protect themselves from her mental breakdown.

Soon Natsu, Wendy, and Laxus stepped in and ate their respected elements which made things a bit easier except for the fact that Lucy still has Lisanna trapped in vines and it's raining outside.

Juvia controlled the rain and Erza cut Lisanna down from the vines, Mira turned to the still scared Lucy.

She was careful of where she stepped because of the small vines appearing slowly from the ground, once in front of Lucy, the barmaid put her hand on her shoulder. Lucy looked up at her, then looked back down hiding her face.

"Lucy, just calm down ok? We won't let your keys break, we promise" Mira says,

"Even though I shipped you with Erza, I think you'd look cute with my sister" Mira continued, Lucy slightly chuckled.

"Why would you ship Lucy with me!?" Erza exclaimed,

"Because you two would look so cute together!" Mira cooed,

Erza looked away and finished her cake. The vines then disappeared back into the ground, Lisanna made her way over to Lucy.

Mira moved out of the way and Lisanna kneeled down next to the blonde, she wrapped her arms around Lucy and electricity went between them again.

Chelia looked at the two and smiled, she clasped her hands together with hearts floating around her.

"Ooh there soulmates~ that's just another form of love!"

Lucy and Lisanna sweatdropped but kept hugging, they each smiled into the hug.

"Hey Wendy! Do you want to go do something?" Chelia asked,

"Ooo! Like go get ice cream!" Wendy cheered, Chelia nodded her head quickly and joined hands.

Electricity went thru their touch and Carla gasped, Chelia and Wendy blushed looking at each other.

"Wendy is far too young for this! She is only 12!" Carla yelled,

"Well Chelia is 15, aren't you?" Mira asked, Chelia nodded her head.

"See so whoever her soulmate is it will do the electricity, it doesn't matter how old the person is!" Mira cheered and clapped her hands, Carla huffed. Wendy looks at Chelia and blushes, she looks away shyly.

"What do we do now?" Wendy asked shyly, Chelia brightened and grabbed Wendy's hand.

"We mate!" Chelia announces, Wendy's eyes widen.

"What!" She squeaks really high pitched,

"Come on Wendy, if I dont mate by the end of this week I'm dead. Let's go!"

Chelia drags Wendy out of the guild, Wendy is reaching for Carla dramatically with anime tears rolling down her face. The guild laughs at Carla's face as she watches the 12 year old Wendy get dragged off to do who knows what with Chelia.

Lucy and Lisanna giggle, and Lucy slightly blushes having an idea of what Chelia wants to do to the little dragon slayer.

"Well Chelia sure seems eager to get it on with Wendy" Mira says,

"Please refrain from saying 'get it on', this is still Wendy we are talking about" Carla said,

"Yeah Yeah" Mira said and waved her hand at the exceed.

"I cant believe you two are soulmates! I brought Lucy to the guild, you two haven't known each other as long as we have!" Natsu complained,

"Quit complaining Ash Tray!" Gray growled,

"What did you say to me Streaker!?" Natsu punched Gray's face and the electricity went thru them again, Natsu and Gray paled and Juvia flipped out.

"Gray is not soul mates with Salamander! Gray is Juvia's soul mate!" The bluenette screeched,

"Wow, I would never have expected you two to be soul mates" Erza remarked,

"I ain't Flame Brains soul mate!" Gray yelled,

"Yeah! And I ain't Gray's soul mate either!" Natsu growled, Mira smirked.

"The first step to falling in love is agreeing with each other boys, and Natsu didnt call Gray a name... seems his dragon is recognizing that Gray's soul mate" Mira said with hearts in her eyes,

"We are not soul mates!" Natsu and Gray yelled at the same time,

"They just agreed again" Lucy whispered to Lisanna, Lisanna then giggled at Lucy's smirk.

"Wait Mira, so... you've already gone thru this before right?" Lisanna asked,

"Yep!" Mira answered, and her younger sister smirked.

"Who's your soul mate sis?" Lisanna asked with a smug tone and look, Mira froze on the spot.

Mira and Cana shared a look of fear, Lisanna gasped. The brunette took off at a sprint with Mira not far behind her, both of them having embarrassed looks on their face.

Lucy and Lisanna looked at each other and smiled, Lucy finally accepting the fact that she had feelings for the bright blue eyed white haired girl joined their hands together.

Lisanna's eyes widened slightly and looked at their combined hands, Lucy smiled at her and Lisanna smiled back.

Natsu and Gray glared at each other, their eyes started moving downwards. They soon realized they were staring at the others lips, they blushed slightly glaring at the other and turned their heads away at the same time.

Meanwhile at Wendy's place, Chelia and Wendy were just sitting on the couch watching a movie. They were all snuggled up into each other, Wendy smiled at seeing the small bite mark on Chelia's neck.

Who knew that all Dragon Slayers had to do was bite their mates neck? Chelia also looked at Wendy's neck to see bite marks, not just one like what was needed but multiple because Chelia got slightly excited.

Wendy was happy that Chelia did not push her though, they are still young for that. They snuggled more into each other and Wendy lightly licked the bite mark on Chelia's neck.

Chelia smiled at her and Wendy smiled back, they soon fell asleep with smiles on their faces leaning against each other.

Carla went to the room and quietly walked in, she saw that the bed was still the way they left it when the dragon slayer and exceed left this morning.

She raised an eyebrow and made her way to the couch, she smiled softly at the two girls who where curled around each other sleeping peacefully.

Do not worry this is not the last chapter, this will be a short series though! There will be around 1-2 more chapters before this will be completed! I added some other ships that will be shown throughout the story in this chapter and those ships are Canajane, Gratsu, Luli, and Chendy!! Yay!!

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