Chapter 20-Angel Love

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Ashley's POV

I was wondering what Storm was doing, but i was too lazy to ask.

She released me and started to back away frantically, breathing deeply and carefully.

"What happened? What did you do?" Jinxx asked.

"Ash-Ashley. I-I need to talk t-to you." She panted.

I nodded simply and walked her into the kitchen.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You... I read your mind... You... Love me." She kept trying to catch her breath.

Oh crap...

"What?! You read my mind!" I argued, trying to avoid her point.

"I needed to know. You were acting strangly." She replied.

"So what if i did?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Would you like me back?" I smiled slightly, hoping the answer would be a positive one.

She paused and smiled a little, it was barely noticable at first.

"Yes. But how can i trust you with your reputation?" She asked.

"I havent done that for months, and if it means getting you then i'll never do it again in my life." I pleaded. "I really like you Storm."

"O-ok. But the first sign of trouble and we're through got it?" She stated.

I nodded and bent my neck so i could kiss her.

Strom's lips were the softest i'd ever felt, they were soothing and warm, i guess it kinda felt like kissing a teddy bear, except less hairy. Not that i've tried it >.>

I pulled away and smiled at her. I meant what i said. If it meant i could have her then i would never look at another girl again.

"Should we tellthe others?" I asked.

"Um, i dont know, if we do, we should do it after Legacy and Darius have healed." She replied and i nodded.

We walked back out to the others, both with serious expressions on our faces so we didnt arrouse suspition.

"You two ok?" Andy asked.

"Yes, why wouldnt we be?" Storm replied.

"I dunno, you both seem kinda tense." He said.

"Oh. We're not so..." I butted in.

He nodded in false understanding and shook it off.  

Just then Legacy shot up in shock and started shaking. She wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her head on her knees. She was staring at something. I followed her gaze and it was Adonis' ashes from where he had burst into flames. but instead of looking releaved, she looked terrified.

"Legacy?" Storm said and put a hand on her shoulder. Legacy screamed and Storm jotled, staggering back to where i caught her before she fell.

"Legacy. Its CC." He whispered after he knelt down beside her.

"CC?" She answered.

"Oh thank god. Yeah its me Legacy. Whats wrong?" He asked.

"I-I can't see." She whispered.

I knelt down slightly and true enough, her eyes were like they were covered by a thin layer of mist.

She was blind... 

Little loving Drummer Boy - A Black veil Brides fan fiction (Christian Coma)Where stories live. Discover now