Ash (RWBY)

13 1 0

Name: Ash Dinsmore

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Affiliation(s): Beacon Academy

Height: 6 foot 2 inches

Eye Colour: Green

Hair: Grey/Silver

Status: Active

Occupation: Student, Hunter

Personality: He is arrogant because he is good at what he does

Fear(s): Failure

Weapon Description: A Spinning Forearm Blade (Like a circular saw) that shoots dust

Ash's Abilities

Agility:    8/10

Swordsmanship:    10/10

Long Range Accuracy:  9/10

Defense:   7/10

Offense:   9/10

Aura:  7/10

People Skills:   6/10

Semblance: He can increase his attack speed to wild levels for a short period of time

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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