Nashi's POV:

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      Flying on Mr END's back is really really cool. He flies really high up, and I don't feel sick at all. The view is really really pretty. I never knew the world could be so colourful. I'm used to browns and whites and blues, not the explosion of colour that I can see now. There's reds and yellows and pinks and greens and lots of colours I don't know the names of. There's trees, or at least, I think they're trees, but they don't look like the trees that surround Grampa Lee's cabin.

      Mr END asked me lotsa questions, which I answer honestly, and I ask some of my questions. I like that he knows my daddy, I like that he's my uncle, I even like the fact he's a demon. Monsters don't scare me, but I don't know why. Should I be scared of monsters? He flies weird. It's smooth, like a glider. With how big Mr END's wings were, I thought the ride would be bumpier. His wings beat slowly, it's like he doesn't need the wings to fly.

"Nashi." Why is his voice different? "Jump." He orders. Huh? Jump? But we're so high up! "Nashi! Now. Do as you're told." Mr END's voice tells me not to bother arguing. I look over his shoulder, it's really high. I don't wanna jump. But.... Mr END wouldn't let me get hurt right? He's a fairy tail wizard. They never break promises. Right?

I jump, screaming. It's really scary. I feel like I'm going to smash into the floor and turn into a human pancake. I shut my eyes and scream louder. If this doesn't kill me, I'm using my demon slayer magic on him. The air turns warm around me and big arms wrap around me. I stop screaming and squeak. I peek and see a pink haired man with big fangs and squinty green eyes smiling at me. I look at the floor, squeaking again. It's rushing up too fast. Is Uncle END mad? Even a demon would get hurt at this fall speed. Right?

A hotter blast of air hits me as fire shoots from his feet. Woah! I didn't know Fire demons could do that! We land outside a big building, and I'm scared. There's lotsa voices inside the big building. No! Not big crowds! I don't do big crowds! Uncle END puts me down, and I crumpled up into a ball. No. I don't like big crowds!

"Hey. They don't bite. Come on!" A strange man's voice tells me. I look up at the man, and see it's uncle END talking. He sounds so different as a human. He looks real different too. If I didn't know his smell, I wouldn't know it was him. I don't move.

      "Too crowded" I mumble, huddling up more. Uncle END sighs, bends down and picks me up. I squeak. "No! Don't wanna!" I wail, beating uncle END's shoulder. He just chuckles and hands me something. My goggles! Why's he got my goggles? I snatch them from him. "Mine!" I snarl, then I go back to beating his shoulder. Why's he not letting me down?

     "Hey Salamander!What's with the pipsqueak?" A gruff voice asks. I feel uncle END stiffen. Wait... did uncle go by a human name here? Uncle turns, flinging me around at the same time so I'm now under his shoulder, facing front. A big black haired man is stood really close, towering above uncle. So. Many. Piercings. Wait.... is uncle really this short? He's way taller as a demon!

      "Yo Gajeel. Can't stop." Uncle tells the metal head, and then we are behind him, I don't know how. Woah, uncle is so fast!

     "Oi, salamander! Ya runnin' away?" The metal head yells, but uncle doesn't reply. Another person appears in front of us, but this time, uncle stops and takes a step back. A really big step. Or was it a jump back? The lady is head to foot in expensive looking armour.

     "Heeeeey Eeeeerrrrrrrzaaaaa....." I know this tone of voice. Uncle is scared of this red headed lady? I notice he loosens his grip on me when the red headed armour lady gets closer, so I take the chance to get free. I don't like all these people. It's too crowded! I hate people! They scare me. I drop to the floor and scramble away from uncle but I bump into someone, and the armour lady somehow grabs me and uncle at the same time.

     I. Don't. Like. Being. Grabbed. The lady is yelling at uncle, and... and.... I DONT LIKE IT.

     "Let go!" I scream. I don't mean to set myself on fire, but I do. The armoured lady throws me on the floor and yells even louder at Uncle. I curl up in a ball on the floor and scream louder. I want to help uncle, but there's too many people, ands it's really really scary!

       "Erza!" Why does everyone go quiet when uncle yells back at the lady? I hear and see a lady with a big barrel of beer whisper to the white haired barmaid. Something about paying for 'natsu's' funeral or something. Wasn't Natsu uncle END's human name? Was shouting at the armour lady really stupid then?

    "......" why is the armoured lady's silence so scary? I'm.... really really scared of her. More than all the other people around me put together. I think uncle is glaring at her, but he picks me up and holds me in his arms.

     "Damnit Erza! She's scared enough!" Uncle's voice is quiet, but he sounds really scary. I cling to uncle, who pats my head and fixes my crooked goggles. The scary lady glares angrily at us. I make a weird noise. I think grampa lee calls it a whimper.

"Who is that?" The scary lady asks. I cuddle into uncle's scarf. I didn't realise the ridge of scales his demon form had was his scarf covered over. It's soft and smells like the sweet little nuts Grampa Lee likes to cook. I nuzzle into the scarf. There's too many people, but the smell is calming.

"A Healer. Now stop bothering them." A grumpy voice rings out. Huh? I know that voice! I twist around to see the person who I can hear. It is! I knew it was her voice!

"Aunty lulu!" I yell, jumping into the old pink haired lady's arms. All the people around me stare at me funny. Everyone except uncle that is. Aunty lulu catches me, then throws me back at uncle, who catches me and runs with me tucked under his arm. Am I a person or a rubber ball?

     Uncle stops after running up some stairs, putting me down next to a set of big doors. He smiles down at me, but it's a really sad smile. "My name is Natsu." Uncle tells me, and I smile up at him. He looks really young as a human.

     "Hey Uncle Natsu? You said you wanted me to help your friend?" I ask him, and his smile fades away.

     "Yeah. His smell changed. He's sick. If you can't help him, I'll... I'll understand." Uncle Natsu looks really sad now. Was his friend just sick? Or... did Uncle Natsu smell something that made him think his friend might be more than just sick?

       He takes a deep breath and pushes the big doors open, and I follow him inside the room. It looks like a hospital ward, so I guess this is an in-firm-air-ee. I think that's how it's said anyway. Uncle Natsu leads me past the rows of beds... I count... um... two rows... by um.... four... um... columns? By the window is a door, and he goes through that into a smaller part of the hospital like room. There's only two beds in here, and there's a man in one of the beds.

       Black hair sticks up a bit like Uncle Natsu's hair, but less spiky, and he has a mark on his face above his... left... um... right.... no, I think it's left.... eye. He's covered by a thin blanket, but I don't think he's wearing anything, because there's a pair of big boy's panties hanging on the light shade, a white shirt flung over a chair by the bed, and a pair of black pants half in half out the open window. ........ why does this man remind me of someone?

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