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Hi , my names Skye Delane. I'm 14 years old. I have long brown hair which is slightly curly and blue eyes . I love to draw , it takes my mind off every day life and it's problems.... Oh yeah I also forgot to mention I live in London in an orphanage with my room mate Lucy .... Really ? You want to know why? Well I'll tell you

When I was 4 years old my mum had to travel around England as she was a music producer and was always on the move. My dad and I never seen eye to eye and I never thought anything of it until the 28th of June 2005 .... I was outside playing with my friend Janet and I was called inside. I quickly collected all my toys and ran inside as I stepped inside the door something sharp went into my left thigh... as I looked down a knife was sticking out blood pouring everywhere the gash deep and painful I let out a scream but before I got to loud my dad covered my mouth.

"Shhhhh , we wouldn't want to worry anyone would we Skye?" I remembered his words exactly ! I was crying with the pain of the wound on my leg.... He then carried me up the stairs into his bedroom where he stripped me down and raped me... Calling me nasty names while slitting my thighs and stomach I was in pain... And after that it all got worse I got raped 3 times a day I got abused and I wasn't allowed go outside ... Then one day it turned for the worse ....

"I'm home!" My heart swelled with joy I ran downstairs freezing at the too of the stairs as I went to run down the stairs I heard a gun being triggered the BANG! Mum stumbled and fell to her knees the. Head first into the wooden floor blood overflowing from her head ... My psycho father killed my mum... But mum always told to call 911 if anything really bad happened so I grabbed a phone and dialled the number

"Hello state you're name and you're emergency?" A man said down the phone

"Hiya my names Skye Delane and daddy shot mammy in the head I don't know why he just did ...." I cried down the phone

"Ok Skye tell me how old you are , and where you live" I could tell he was worried

" I'm 4 and ehh I .. I live in 22 main Central London please hurry I'm scared he'll hurt me again..." He then told me to hide and be careful so I hid under my dads bed then I heard the door being broke down and my dad yelling that he's going to find me when he gets out ... Then a face popped underneath the bed

"Skye?" the policeman asked me I nodded my head the he took me to this orphanage I was 7 when they brought me here and I've been here since then it's been hard for me to make friends I've only one and that's my room mate Lucy . I don't eat a lot either as the food here really isn't edible ....

"SKYE?! SKYE?! " I finally came back into the real world . Lucy was yelling at me '' Sorry Lu"""." told her she knew what happened I always have moments like that . She laughed it off and I sat there embarrassed " " Don't worry about it and don't forget that there's someone coming today to adopt one of us!" " I sighed I was here for the past 8 years ! suddenly everyone started shouting "" " THERE HERE!" " I just stay there everyone else goes down stairs I sit their and I start to draw .


When me and the boys were walking down the road when I suddenly seen a orphanage . I've always wanted a girl in the house Perrie and Eleanor didn't count because they don't live with us

" " Boys...... I think we should adopt " " Liam ,Niall ,Zayn and Louis were all staring at me as if I was mad.

" " I'm deadly serious guys I think it would be good responsibility and we do need a feminine touch " " I said confidently " " Yeah? but what age? " " Liam said " " I'd say 13-15 " " Louis added we all agreed . we called the orphanage and told then we will be there in an hour .

When we arrived all the girls there were screaming and shouting


We didn't really click with any if them and none of them made me smile and think .. You I choose you.. then I heard a young girl talking to the lady that owned the orphanage " " Where's Skye? " " The old lady asked her " " Upstairs ma'am " "I walked over to them and I asked to see her . Lucy (the little girl) led me to where she was I seen a beautiful young girl sitting there with a sketch pad in her hand drawing.

" " Hey .... can I see " " She jumped at the sound of my voice and when she seen me her eyes widened with shock... I'm guessing since we are One Direction it's pretty shocking !

" " Her we are adopting her!" " I felt an instant click with her !


When he said they wanted to adopt me memories came flooding back 5 boys wanted to adopt me they were going to abuse and rape me I wasn't going! I couldn't go! I couldn't trust them, they don't know me !

" " No! Please don't hurt me?! I'm sorry I'm so so sorry " " I panicked they stared at me the blonde boy close to tears and the one closest to me went to place his hand in my shoulder I screamed and ran ! I heard the sound of someone running after me.

When I finally reached the door and I ran as fast as I could but then someone grabbed me and put me over their shoulder he had curly brown hair and green eyes and was tall enough.... About 5ft 9"" ".

" " Let go of me! Please don't hurt me!" " he put me In to a limo and we drove off. When we arrived a huge 3 story building was is view is was huge!

When we got into the house the five introduced themselves

" " I'm Niall " " The blonde haired boy said in an Irish accent

" " I am Louis call me carrot " " He said while winking which made me giggle

" " I'm harry" " the curly haired boy said

" " I'm Zayn " " The tallest boy with black hair perfectly combed over

" And I am Liam .... " " The stocky figure said

" " Let us show you you're room " " They all raced towards the door on the third story to the left I walked in behind them tears formed in my eyes as I entered the room. it is beautiful .... I hugged them all and realised . it's a beautiful purple with purple duvet and sheet and a cream finish ... A walk In wardrobe and a huge king sized bed .... Life is going to be good!


Hey guys! I'm new to this fan fiction so I'll write a next paragraph when I see that I'm doing a good job with the first chapter by the way I'm only 13 so haha


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