Beach surprises ~

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Niall suddenly burst through my door telling " Skye! Skye! Skye! We're going to the beach in a few minutes are you coming?!" a wide smile grew on my face as Niall hopped up and down in excitement.

"Yeah I'll go let me just put on some clothes!" I hurried into my walk in wardrobe and was amazed by the dresses , shorts ,tops ,shoes , makeup and jewellery.

I hurried over and grabbed a pair of black shorts and a blue top and threw on a hot pink swimsuit... I never wore bikinis because of the scars across my stomach and back from my father... even thinking if him made me sick!


"Where is she?" I questioned Niall he stood there and stared at me as if to say I don't know then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned to see Skye she was beautiful.

"Ok are we all ready now?" Everyone nodded at me

"Good now let's go to the beach!" Everyone ran to the car except for Skye she took her time she seemed upset over something so I thought I should find out.

"Skye are you ok?" she didn't answer "skye... " I said this time raising my voice at her she then answered

" I don't want to talk about it harry .. please don't make me....!" I nodded and turned to look at the road . when we got there everyone set up our beach towels and our portable aux system.

"LAST ONE IN THE WATER HAS TO EAT SEAWEED!!" Louis yelled already sprinting towards the water , but I still managed to get there first .


I didn't bother running to the water I decided to lay down on my towel and tan since I wasn't very fair skinned.

I suddenly felt as if someone was standing above me ... I opened my eyes to a tall figure I stood up and seen it was a boy about 14/15 with dark brown hair with blue eyes like ice my heart melted and my stomach was doing summersaults.

"Hey there " he said " My name'a Darragh" he smiled at me. I smiled back " My names Skye " we then went for a walk along the water occasionally stoping to cool our feet. "so who are you here with?" He said I stopped walking should I tell him? will he judge me?

" I ehhhh I'm here with one direction they adopted me .." he frowned and went to walk away

" " DARRAGH! WAIT WHATS WRONG!" " I shouted across the beach I didn't care who heard me at the time...

" " What's wrong? What's wrong! Skye my parents died! And when I got adopted 2 months back they abused me ! And you're embarrassed by who you're here with?!" " He said so quick I barely understood him anger in his ears but him giving out to me reminded me of my psycho father ... I exploded .

" " You're giving out to me I was abused for years! YEARS! I'm ashamed of who I'm here with because I feel like I'm not good enough to be here with them I feel like I'm not good enough to be standing here at this very second I cut myself! YES DARRAGH! CUT! I'm ashamed of who I am and the background of myself I was abused, raped ,bullied ! And you've the nerve to give out to me for not wanting to be here! IM SORRY ABOUT YOUR PARENTS BUT IM VERY SIMILAR ! My mother got killed by my father and my father is currently in jail arrested for murder , rape, abuse and mental torture! " "

I finally broke no one could stop it... Darragh stood there with tears in his eyes he stepped towards me and wrapped his arms around me .... I felt safe .... For once in my life

" " I am so sorry Skye ...." " He finally released me from the hug But I got an idea!!

" " Darragh stay right here!" " I raced towards the five boys

" " Zayn ! Zayn! Louis! Liam ! Niall ! harry! " " I raced over they all turned around to face me "" " Can Darragh come and live with us please! We have the room !" " And with that they agreed I ran back towards darragh

" " Darragh! I've exciting news!" " He stood there befooled ... " " What is it Skye ? " "

" " You're moving in today!" " He immediately jumped into my arms

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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