In this story you'll read about the lives of two girls who's dreams are fulfilled when they get a call from an unknown number with a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Daniella Williams and Cass Rogers are two vloggers from the big apple whose lives c...
Daniella and Cass walked out of the airport "That was such a long flight" Daniella said embracing the nice warm air "I know, I'm just glad we're finally here" Cass said smiling. "Me too!!" Daniella said nodding her head "so wait what did Rick say to do once we were off the plane?" she asked "He said to call an uber to take us to the hotel where he'll meet us and he said however much the uber is, he'll just pay us back" Cass told her remembering the conversation the two girls had with Rick this morning before they had gotten on the plane. Daniella went onto her phone and scheduled an uber to pick them up "It says they should be here in 5 minutes" she told Cass "Okay, sounds good" Cass smiled as they waited
The über showed up "Are you Daniella?" the uber driver asked "Yes I am" Daniella smiled at him being polite "Okay perfect" the driver said "You guys need to put those in the trunk?" he asked noticing their luggages and the bags they were holding "Yes please" Cass answered him as her bag was starting to bother her. The driver popped the trunk open and the girls put their suitcases in along with each of their duffel bags then they went on each sides of the car and got in. "Where is it im taking you girls?" the driver asked us. Daniella gave him the hotels address and he started the car back up and started driving them to their destination. He was really nice, the two girls learned that his name was Andrew, he was 32, he had two little girls and that he also worked at the movie theatre in downtown LA.
They arrived at the hotel, the drive from the airport to the hotel usually wasn't long but because it was a Saturday and the weather was nice the traffic was crazy. Andrew got out of the car to help them with their bags "Thank you Andrew, you really didn't have too" Cass told him as she put her duffel bag over her shoulder "Don't worry about it, it was nothing" he responded smiling at her. Once they thanked Andrew again and he pulled away, the two girls walked into the hotel, it was beautiful just like most hotels were. They're staring and being amazed was interrupted by a males voice "Hello, you must be Daniella and Cass" the man said smiling, Daniella shared a look with Cass "Yes we are" Cass said hesitantly "Im sorry I should've introduced myself, Im Rick" Rick said introducing himself "Ohh" Daniella said letting go a sigh she didn't even realize she was holding "Its nice to meet you in person" she said formally "Same goes to you ladies" he smiled "Anyways" he started "Heres the key to your room" he said handing Cass the key "We have a meeting with the team and the band members at" he stopped looking at his watch "4:30" he finished "So I suggest you girls drop your bags off, maybe put some more professional outfits on and meet me down here once you're done" he suggested to the girls "Okay, we can do that" Cass smiled "Perfect, so ill see you both in about an hour, again it was nice meeting you in person" he said as he turned around and walked to where he was staying.
The girls walked to an elevator and got in it right away, clicked the floor number they were on and rode up to their floor. The elevator doors opened and they stepped out "Our room number is 231" Cass said as they started walking looking at the room numbers. The found their room almost instantly and once they had everything situated they started to get ready for their meeting.
Cass put this outfit on while her hair was in loose curls;
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Daniella put this outfit on while her hair was in a tight bun;
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The girls walked down to the lobby to meet Rickso they could leave for the meeting. When they were there they saw Rick signing some papers "What are those?" Cass asked being her curious self "These are the papers for your rental car, you have it until the day before the tour starts so you don't have to pay for ubers but rather gas" Rick told the girls "Wow! Thank you" Daniella said, she couldn't believe all of this was happening "Its outside, go take a look" he told them. They both walked past him out the doors seeing a 2018 white Mercedes CLS, the two were both stunned "This is ours?" Daniella managed to get out as she continued to stare at the car "Well until the tour starts, yes" he smiled glad the girls liked it "I call dibs on driving" Daniella said as she grabbed the keys from Rick and got into the drivers seat "Ughh, fine" Cass said as she got into the passenger side "Im driving back though" she told her "Yeah whatever" Daniella said as she started the car "Here's the address for the building, theres a built in GPS so you can put the address in there if you'd like" he told them handing Cass the address so she could put it into the GPS "Thank you Rick, for everything" Daniella said "This is truly amazing" she continued "Your welcome, the team and I are glad you're just as excited as we are for this" he smiled "Anyways we gotta go or else we're gonna be late so ill see you girls there, please don't get lost" he chuckled as he backed away from the car to let them drive away which Daniella did once he wasn't so close to the car.
[ hey guys so this chapter wasn't quite as long as the 2nd chapter but its still long! anyways i wouldn't usually do this but my friend daniella ( @corbitchhbesson ) has a story called destiny , its a really good story so if you could, go check it out please, it would mean so much to her and me :) other than that hope you enjoyed this chapter -cass ]