Chapter 19

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Percys POV

Hyperion bound me to the wooden post as Atlas and Koios walked in and grabbed the sides of the pole, carrying me like game meat. "What are you doing Hyperion?" I asked annoyed. "Well I didnt want your leg hurt now did I?" He said amused. I snarled and they carried me out the door along with Jason, being dragged by Hyperion.

We arrived in a stone combat-like room, Monsters and demigods lined stone stands like I was on a stage. Jason was tied a post like me, but stone. They moved me on a stone post. I was too weak to even try to move in protest.

(dear readers, the next part is a little violent, like the hunger games violent. skip ahead if you dont like this stuff)

Kronos voice rang in the cavern, "Welcome Guest, to the most cherised ceremony of our army! The toture ceremony..." He sneered. "Today we have none other then the Percy Jackson! Along with the son of Jupiter Jason Grace!" he said happily.

Atlas and Koios grabbed whips, they lit to life with eletricity. My eyes went wide, "Jason do something! Eletricity!" I whispered at him. He sighed, "I can't. My powers dont work for some reason!"

Atlas smiled at me evilly, his hand raised and a whip was brought onto my back. I howled in pain causing the crowd to roar in approval, I looked around and saw fimilar faces. Kelli and Emma, Sherman Yang, son of ares. I winced in pain as the next whip was brought down, I felt flesh burn as tears silently went down my face.

It went on and on, my skin was burning for about 43 minutes. Jason had gone unconusus at 37, I had nothing to do but count the times I was hit so I wouldn't focus on the pain. Drowsiness was overcoming me but I stayed awake barely. 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. As 51 was brought down, a female voice rang out. "Father Stop!".

(Torture ends here readers)

Zoe Nightshade.

Atlas turned to the voice to see the black haired girl looking straight at him. "Let thy brother go father." she stated again.

"My dearest daughter, what do we own the pleasure?" He smirked.

Zoe pointed an arrrow at his neck, "LET THY BROTHER GO!" she said once more.

"Now Now Zoe don't I wish to kill you again but I belie-" before Atlas finished his sentence, Zoe let the arrow loose, going through his neck as he crumpled to the ground. "Get..Her.." He croaked.

Koios turned to me, "Your little hunter friends interrupted our party." He sent his whip at Zoe. "NO!" I screamed in terror knowing the pain. Zoe was sent into the wall btu she imerged again and sent arrows into the crowds, killing half the population of the monsters in 12 minutes. I shuddered thinking of 12 minutes, the number of minutes that lead to this moment.

As the arrows ran out, she grabbed riptide out of her hair and charged at Koios and Hyperion. She couldnt do this alone. I thought about Lady Artemis adopting me. Would I have powers that could help? I thought of Slasher and Moonbeam and found them in my hands. I freed myself and Jason and went to help Zoe.

I threw a knife at Hyperion and it louged in his arm, spilling golden blood. He turned to me, "THERE FREE!" he yelled, causing monsters to charge. I thought of my bow and it was with me, I took out the remaining monsters and demigods slowly but surely and ran back to see Jason stirring to conciseness and Zoe getting smacked to the wall by a bloody Hyperion and Koios. I sent the final blow into Koios but letting an arrow fly but Hyperion marhed on Zoe lifting his spear, "NO!" I sprinted toward Zoe, I closed my eyes as time seemed to move in slow motion. The moon. The thought was random but calming. The moon provides shelter and security.

When I opened my eyes I was in front of Zoe, Hyperion approaching spear raised. I sent moonbeam into hyperion's chest making him stumble and kicked hyperion onto the ground. I jumped on him and punched his face repeatedly shouting at him, "I ALMOST LOST MY SISTER AGAIN! I JUST GOT ZOE BACK AND YOU WILL NOT TAKE HER FROM ME!"

I grabbed Moonbeam and shoved it into his neck grinning.

My smile faltered as I turned to Zoe, I clapsed as the pain I was fighting off hit me. I realized everything that happened, it was like a different person was in control of me. My leg throbbed and My back burned like there was no flesh. Zoe had blood flowing from her cheek and arm but she crawled to me before I passed out.

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