Joining The Club

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When lunch was done Jason still had a sweet bun left. Seth and Kade went back to sleep and Alex went to Sleep next to Kade. We left them thinking that it would be better for every one if Alex say there.

"Can we just stay here it would be better if I stay there and I have a feeling that we have P.E next." I said laying down.

"P.E is next." Seth said sitting up. "Kade, Kade P.E is next come on lets go."

"I said that I have a feeling I'm not completely sure about it." I said

"Do still you would come back you here to tell us the P.E is next so I thought that we can go down and see. Any way we should at least meet some more of our class mate." Seth said shaking Kade. 

"Five more minutes please" Kade said turning over.

"Come on P.E is going to be next hopefully." Seth said when Kade sat up. rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"I'm up." Kade said

"Ok can you guys show us where the class is. We do not know where to go." Seth asked Jason and he clapped.

"You hold a conversation with Sora." Jason said smiling. 

"Oh." Seth said when Kade pat his back.

"Good job Seth, now you have to go talk to other girls to." Kade said.

"I was wondering are you guys in a clubs right now." Jason asked.

"No not really." Kade said taking the sweet bun from Jason and started to eat it.

"Oh about joining us in the game club." Sora said.

"No."Seth said

"Sure." Kade said

"But Kade." Seth started.

"I like playing games so ok I will join you guys." Kade said shaking Jason hand.

"Fine I will join you to then since Kade is going to" Seth said.

"Oh guys we do have P.E next, look." Jason said picking down at the track field to see the people in there class and Jessie class.

"Come on we have to go" Sora said standing up and jumping over a sleeping Alex. And everyone followed her.

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