Chapter 4

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I think the hardest part of my job has been avoiding Maxim. I take extra caution when brining Carter to daycare and while picking him up. Everything else has been a matter of timing. I stay in my office and if I need something to be sent to him it goes through James.

This week has gone by pretty well. Maxim hasn't tried anything and he's stays away like I ask. In a way I know I'm hurting him and I don't want too but he deserves to feel the pain of rejection just like I did. He deserves to know what he did to me.

Carter is sitting in my office with me playing with his toys when there's a knock on the door. I put down my pen and lower my laptop.

“ Yes.” In the three seconds it takes for the door to open I nearly died of uncertainty.

“ Max wants to see you.” James reports. I'm filled with dread. I've been doing so well this week and now all my efforts have proven to be in vain.

“ I have Carter, and I don't want to see him.” I don't look up from my work until I realize he's still standing there.

“ Stella, go.” His expression tells me everything I need to know.

“ Well then can you watch Carter.” I sigh before standing.

“ I don't mind.” I walk over to Carter and pick him up.

“ I'll be right back okay, munchkin. Uncle James is going to stay with you. Will you be a good boy for him?”

“ No go mommy.” I kiss his cheeks softly and hug him to my chest.

“ I know Munchkin. I'll be quick.” I put him back onto the carpet and leave the room.

Before I know it I'm standing in front of the door to the Alphas office. I have an idea of what the problem might be, but I still don't want to face him.  

I knock on the door.

“ Come.” I push open the door. Maxim is standing behind his desk teeth gritted and tense. I look down at his hands to find his knuckles white as they grip the life out of the desk.

I take a deep breath and keep my cool. I try my hardest to show him that he doesn't affect me as much as he really does.

“ You sent for me?” I pull my hair behind my ear and keep my eyes low, not low enough to see the hard bulging muscles beneath his shirt.

“ Sit.” His voice is rough, when I look up I notice that he looks like hell. Like hot hell. His hair is longer, shaggy, unkempt. His eyes are dark and wild, making me want to get lost in them forever.

I sit in the seat in front of his desk while comes around and leans on the desk in front of me.

“ You've been avoiding me.” He states simply.

“ Have I?” I don't meet his eyes because I know that I have been.

“ I'd like Carter to meet me.” His words surprise me causing me to scoff.

“ Would you?” I mumble childishly.a

“ He's my son too, Stella,” his voice is two seconds from a growl.

“ Fathers stick around and in case you forgot, you didn't.” I finally meet his eyes, there so much like Carter's.

“ I was sixteen.” I'm not sure sticking around would have been much help anyways.

“ Did you seriously just say that to me? I was sixteen too jackass. You don't see me b*tching about having to be a mother.”

“ How do I make this better, Stella. What do you want me to do?”

“ Stay away from me and my child. You've got plenty of practice,” he stands up to his full height towering over my sitting form.

“ I think you forgot who the Alpha of the pack is.” His voice is low and menacing and for the first time in my life I'm actually scared of him. “ I'm done playing nice guy. If you try to keep my son away from me I will take him from you and you will never see him again.” I gasp and stand.

“ How dare you?” Now my voice is raise because I'm thoroughly pissed. “ You don't get to leave and come back and order me around like I'm some sort of toy you can play with here and there. That's not how this works,” I stand up and take a breath releasing the fumes in my brain.

“ I can and I will. You and Carter are to spend at least three days out of each week with me. If you don't agree with that, you don't want to be around me, that's fine. Feel free to drop off the little guy and pick him up in a couple days.”

“ No you won't, you cant just force me to force my son to spend time with you. You don't even know how to take care of him,” I growl which I know is highly disrespectful since I am speaking to an Alpha.  

“ Yes I can,” he says matter of factly, and I know he damn well can. He can do whatever he wants because he is the Alpha, I have no power to stop him because technically I'm not his Luna. “ This starts today, be here before eight o'clock please.”

“ I hate you,” I growl out. Just then I feel like I just might throw up my breakfast, but no matter what the situation is I know that deep down I do not hate him. I can't and he knows it. I'm out of the room in seconds and when the door closes I break down. The tears fall uncontrollably as I stumble towards my office. When I get there I see James on his hands and knees and Carter riding around in his back.

“ Get out.” I grabbed Carter off his back and put him on my hip.

“ Stella what's wrong? What did he do?” He reaches for me but I back away from him.

“ I said get the hell out.”

“ Mommy.” Carter begins to cry. He hates it when I'm angry, it always makes him cry.

“ Get out.” James raises his hands and backs all the way to the door. I slam it and lock it.

“ Mommy, no.” Carter is crying and I feel so bad for scaring him.

“ It's okay little Munchkin. Everything is alright.” I spend the next twenty minutes consoling Carter, bouncing him on my hip and patting his back. When he finally stops crying I sit in the corner of my office with him in my arms.

“ I'm not sad anymore little carter,” I whisper to him. He is laid back in my arms with the saddest most cute pout and it just tugs at my heart.

“ No?” He sits up with the question.

“ Nope. See? I'm perfectly fine.” He gives me a big smile before coming up and kissing my cheek. “ Thank you munchkin.” I take Carter home after that. I’m not in the working mood and even if I was I just can't concentrate. My mind was on Carter, what was best for him.

I want him to have a father, I did ever since I found out I was pregnant with him. I know that Maxim wants to be a part of our life as well but threatening to take my son away from me isn't the way to go about that.

We get home and play outside for a bit until Carter is ready for his noon time nap. I fall asleep with him.

Hope you enjoy the new part.

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