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"His gaze at the floor. And his body frozen."
Millie's POV
"Come on, you gotta get up love."
My eyes fluttered open and I immediately shielded them from the bright sun coming from the window of Finns room. I groaned and looked over at his clock. 6:30AM, it read.
"Come on. I let you sleep in for as long as possible, but school is starting soon so we gotta hurry up." He said, releasing his grip on my waist and slowly climbing out of his bed.
I groaned once again, not wanting to leave the comfort of the warm bed. I had only gotten about 5 hours of sleep last night, and wasn't even thinking straight at the time. I don't even have any essentials, or clothes for the day.
"Finn!" I yelled down the stairs. He ran to the stairwell and looked up at me.
"Yes? You okay?" He asked.
I chuckled lightly at his actions. "I'm fine, I just don't have any clothes I can wear, or a hairbrush and toothbrush."
He nodded and told me to wait where I was. He came back with a sweatshirt of his and one of his "smaller" shirts, which would be extremely big on my 5 foot figure.
I watched as he placed the clothing in a plastic bag, along with a spare toothbrush and hairbrush. He tied the bag up tightly and then flung it up the stairs.
"Life hacks." He winked, walking back into the kitchen.
I laughed and went into the bathroom. I slipped on his shirt and sweatshirt, seeing as it covered almost my whole body. I put my hair into two buns on the side of my head, and brushed my teeth. I needed makeup badly due to the dark circles under my eyes, but I didn't have any.
I walked out of the bathroom and skipped down the stairs, heading into the kitchen. Finn was already dressed and ready, making breakfast for both of us.
He turned around and smiled at my presence. "Morning peach!" He chirped. His eyes scanned my body, and I swore I saw him lick his lips, but it was probably just a figure of my imagination. "That sweatshirt looks nice on you.You should keep it." He said, turning his focus back to whatever he was making.
"What are you making?" I asked.
He smirked at me. "Well my dearest Mills, I'm making your favorite. Pancakes with chocolate chips, MNM's, and banana's. Not very healthy, but I assume it will wake you up a bit and get you in a happy mood. Right love?" I walked over to him and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you, for everything that you are doing for me." I spoke, squeezing his waist tightly.
He turned around and held me in his arms. "Look Mills, I know we just became friends and we haven't talked all that much, but I just wanna let you know that you can always come talk to me. I don't care if it's three in the morning and my girlfriend is over. If you don't feel safe, I will always take you in. Always. Don't feel like it's wrong to come here."
I sighed in content. "Thank you." I said
He smiled and turned around to finish making the pancakes. Once he was finished he put them on a plate and set the table. We sat down and started to eat.
"How is it?" He asked, after a moment of silence.
I shot him a toothy smile. "Really good. You actually cooked them perfectly."
He smiled. "Glad you like it peach." I giggled at the nickname, and finished eating.
We cleaned up after we finished and headed outside to go to school.
"Thanks for letting me stay here last night. I'll see you around I guess." I said, even though I wanted to see him more.
"Hold up. You want a ride love?" He asked, gesturing towards his car.
I shot him a confused look. "What about my car? I won't be able to get home."
"Oh come on. I can drive you to school and then I can drive you back to my house later to get your car. Besides, it just gives me an excuse to spend more time with you without Ambar on my back about it." He said, rolling his eyes.
"Come on." He said, opening the passenger side of the car for me.
"What a gentleman." I teased playfully.
He chuckled and sat in the drivers seat before backing out of his driveway and heading to the school.
After a minute or so of awkward silence I finally spoke up.
"Seems like you don't really like your girlfriend huh?" I asked.
He looked over at me and sighed before starting to explain.
"Don't get me wrong, I love her. She just... gets so jealous when I hang out with another girl. It gets tiring after a while. I should be able to have female friends without her thinking it's something more. But I love her, she's just a handful." He explained cautiously.
I nodded, understanding what he said.
We finally arrived at the school after 15 minutes of more awkward silence. I jumped out of his car and started to head into the school. Finn was a little ways behind me, trying to catch up to me. He eventually did catch up to me and we started to talk about random things, and asking one another questions.
I had always been a shy girl when it came to school. I didn't like interaction too much. It didn't come to my advantage though. So many boys would whistle at me in the halls to make me feel uncomfortable, and make bets on me. They would always see if they could get the "little shy girl" to get with them. That was the nasty bet that they always made.
I looked over towards a certain group of boys, which included the one and only Romeo Beckham. He was a real asshole towards me, but I still found him extremely attractive.
He looked me up and down while I was walking with Finn and whistled like he always did. Every morning. Only this time he actually said something to me.
"Hey Millie! Nice ass!" He yelled, laughing and high fiving his friends.
I felt very uncomfortable. He yelled that for the whole school to here which made me very anxious. I walked a little faster, and looked to my left wanting Finn to distract me. But he wasn't next to me anymore.
I looked behind me and saw him standing in the middle of the hallway. His gaze at the floor. His body frozen. I saw him start to breath heavily and clench his fists together tightly. His warm chocolate eyes were replaced with his pitch black ones.
He was really angry. I had seen him angry before but this was new. He actually looked like he wanted to punch him, which was something Finn didn't do. He would scare them and slam them against a locker, but never lay a hand on them otherwise.
He started walking over to Romeo, anger in his eyes. I swiftly walked up to Finn and got infront of his eye line so that he would be focused on me. He tried stepping around me but I got in his way once again.
"Millie move." He spoke rough, not taking his glare off of Romeo.
"Finn just leave it, come on." I said, taking his hand and trying to take him away from what was going on in his head.
He pushed my hand off of him and stormed over to Romeo. He grabbed him by the collar of the shirt and picked him up harshly, shoving him against the lockers. A couple of "oohs" could be heard in the halls as a crowd started to form.
"Don't you dare say that about her. You hear me?! Don't you ever say something like that again to her or I swear to god I will kick your ass! You got that?!" Finn yelled, sending Romeo flying into the lockers before storming off down the hall I was in.
He quickly grabbed my waist and held me close to him in a protective manner.
"Finn calm down, I'm okay." I said softly.
"I don't care! He shouldn't say that about you! It obviously made you uncomfortable and that's not okay." He growled.
I sighed and stood infront of him. I grabbed his face and made him look into my eyes.
"Thank you. But I'm okay now. You can let it go... Okay?" I sighed and desperately looked at him, wanting him to let it go.
"Ok, just... let me walk you to your classes. I just don't want something happening to you." He said and pulled me with him to my class.
We arrived and he stopped me before I could go inside.
"Millie when this class is over I'm gonna be outside waiting for you. I'll come and walk you to your next class. Please just let me do this okay?" I nodded and he sighed in relief.
I walked inside and looked behind me. Finn stared at me intently, then eyed every single one of my classmates, and finally left the frame of the doorway.
I sat down in my seat and got my computer out. The sound of the door clicking open made me look up. I totally forgot Romeo was in this class.
Finns gonna be pissed when he see's Romeo come out of the classroom, with me following behind...
Hola. I'm so sorry I didn't update y'all. I had Midterms this week and had to study lol. To make up for the lost update I'm probably going to update again tonight.
But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I Don't Want to Love You//FillieWhere stories live. Discover now