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edited 1/3-2019
'How did this happen', is what everyone is thinking right now. At least those from Karasuno's male volleyball club. They were speechless. They were having morning practice like usual when suddenly Hinata comes rushing in..... with Oikawa's Aoba Johsai jacket. I'd been 2 minutes since then. The one who broke the silence was Tanaka.

"Oi Hinata why are you wearing the Aoba Johsai jacket?" Tanaka asked. Hinata looked at Tanaka dumbfounded. His face flushed red after he looked down and realized that he was infact wearing the Aoba Johsai jacket. Make it worse it was Oikawa's jacket. Hinata looked down in embarrassment. He didn't know what to say.

"I.. uh...", Hinata was trying to find the right words. The others approached him but before they could reach him Kiyoko stood infront of Hinata defending him.

"If he doesn't want to explain then he doesn't have to", Kiyoko said shortly.

"No but seriously why is Hinata wearing the Aoba Johsai jacket?" Sugawara asked. He was quite suspicious and his mothermode was turning on. Hinata was still trying to grasp the situation.

"Is that Oikawa-sans jacket?" Kageyama suddenly asked. It was true that the jacket was too big for Hinata and was loosely hanging on his upper body. Hinata's face flushed bright red that put fresh tomatoes to shame. He quickly tried to deny it by shacking his head. Unbeknownst to the team, Oikawa slowly came into the gym.

"Chibi-chan~", Oikawa sang. Hinata jumped in surprise while everyone turned to face the intruder.

"What are you doing here?" Tanaka said instantly putting his signature delinquent face.

"What business do you have with Hinata?" Nishinoya asked. Oikawa looked at Hinata. Hinata was shacking his head. He knew what Oikawa was about to say but he didn't want him to. Oikawa chuckled.

He walked up to Hinata and pulled him to his chest.

"Is there something wrong with me seeing my lover?" Oikawa asked smirking ever so slightly while looking at the crows. Hinata was ready to die and the team was dumbfounded. Yachi and Kiyoko didn't look so surprised. It's like they expected this to happen.

"Oikawa.. is your lover?" Asahi carefully asked breaking the silence. Hinata nodded slowly in shame. He didn't tell them because he didn't wanna risk getting kicked out of the team. Sugawara and Daichi looked at each other then sighed.

"We're fine with it, but don't skip practice okay?" Daichi said.

"Oh and Oikawa if you dare hurt Hinata you'll regret it", Sugawara said in mommy-mode. The others nodded. Hinata looked at his team with teary eyes. The orange haired was happy. His team accepted the fact that he was dating Oikawa. Oikawa smiled and hugged Hinata from the behind.

"That's great isn't it? Now you don't have to worry", Oikawa whispered in Hinata's ear.

"Though out of everyone, why Oikawa?" Ennoshita suddenly asked. Everyone looked at him. 

"Yeah that's a really good question", Nishinoya said nodding his head. The other crows and the outsider sweatdropped. They did not wanna deal with this.

omfg i'm sorry this sucks ;-; oh well I hope you enjoyed this little one shot :)


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