Meeting Aoba Johsai

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After the recent incident with Karasuno, Oikawa had suggested that they should come out to Aoba Johsai with the reasoning "it's only fair". Hinata however, was terrified of the thought of coming out to them.  He's already trying to recover from telling Karasuno and now he has to tell Seijoh as well? 

"Chibi-chan, they're gonna love you! Infact I'm afraid that Mattsun and Makki might try to steal you away from me~", Oikawa whines while hugging the younger tightly. 


A few days later and Hinata already regrets giving into Oikawa's pleads. Here he is, in Aoba Johsai territory, inside the gymnasium, infront of curious volleyball club members. Hinata's eyes keep darting around, trying to find something that will maybe distract the piercing gazes. The first person to break the silence is Hanamaki;

"So ya finally confessed?" he whistles. Hinata's ears turn red while Oikawa whines out a "Makki, you shouldn't have said that"

"Took you long enough, haven't you liked him ever since the practice match?" Matsukawa smirks knowingly and Hinata's face grows impossibly redder. The situation was embarassasing the living daylights out of Hinata so the first thing that came to mind was; hide. And where did he hide, you may ask. But of course, in none other than Oikawa's arms. 

Hinata buries his face in Oikawa's chest and feels arms wrap around his tiny frame protectively. He wants to escape, wants to leave and never face them again. 

"Well, congrats to the both of you I guess", says Iwaizumi after a long series of whistles from Hanamaki and Matsukawa, and confused noises from the first years and second years. 

"Wait,, so you're going out with each other, correct?" Kindaichi asks, trying to process the situation. It doesn't happen everyday that your captain announces that they're dating someone from a rival team. 

"That's correct!" Oikawa says a little too cheery for comfort and Iwaizumi spares no time to throw a volleyball to his head, earning him an "Iwa-chan how mean!"

"Guess that Shittykawa will always be Shittykawa"


okay so god, i wasn't planning on writing a continuation but seeing so many people read this and uh,,, liking (???) it sweat. i felt like i had to write something even tho it's short and barely anything LMAO. i hope you enjoyed it even just a tiny bit. 

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