{ Sonadow } My Emo-tional love connection

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Heyo! I just thought I'd make something relating to the moods I've been in so this is what I came up with, hope you enjoy! :)

Chapter 1

Sonic's P.O.V.

Life. A hard core assumption of reality. Or at least in my case it is. I guess I'm depressed though I wouldn't say that I'm badly depressed.

I guess things aren't as bright as they used to be. I think I'm finally facing reality the world that is cold. The truth, I cant believe I was so stupid lost in a land of eternal happiness.

Look at the results of that land. I'm glad I woke up, I'm glad that my eternal happiness has faded although some days I wish I could catch one last glimpse of that.

One last ounce of happiness to piece me together again. To bad that me has been lost a long time back. Looking at my wrists makes me more depressed.

I've gone emo, I remember how I used to taunt Shadow about being emo even if he wasn't. I now realize that I was very rude, very mean because that's the person I am today.

I guess I didn't understand it back then. The important thing is that I do know. I can take a guess at who I want to be, but then Id be lieing to myself.

 A small uttered sigh escaped my peach lips as I looked at my cut up wrists. I know its not healthy but, it seems to be working for me.

I have cuts running down my right arm and some running down my left thigh. Its really easy to hide, I just wear my favorite jacket with my headphones and some shorts that are long enough to cover my cuts but show my remaining skin.

Only my friend Jake knows about my condition, we got into a fight yesterday and he hit me, so I yelled at him to leave although he said he didn't mean it , it sure felt like he meant it.

We fought because of my depression, he said and I quote; "your wearing that fake smile to well, it's like your gone..."

I dont understand what he meant by " your wearing that fake smile to well," but the rest was pretty clear to me. I dont know who I am anymore either...

I look as if I'm in jail right now the way I glumly sit in my dark room. The bars on my window shadow and cave in making me look like I really am in prison.

Nobody understands the dark I'm dealing with even as I'm in the light. I guess that's just my problem though isin't it?

I guess I'm on my own in this battle. I guess depression really is like war, you either win, or die trying. Preferably I'd want to die trying, I no longer want this existence.

Why should I want existence, if existence itself doesn't want me?

That should be a quote one day. For the good of the people of course. Though I'm not the same there's a part of me trying to pull me into the light once again.

So far my walls have not faltered. I personally hope they don't anyway. I prefer myself in the reality rather than out of it. I guess that's just me talking but I can never be sure anymore.

Slowly my eyes began to close and before you knew it my mind was no longer running, and I had fallen into a deep, deep sleep.


(still Sonic's P.O.V. )

I groaned my eyes fluttering open as I stood up off the floor stretching in the process. Looking at the clock I squinted and noticed my clock had stopped.

For some strange reason my clock stops at 4:28 in the morning every morning so to be honest, I don't know why I even bother looking at the clock in the first place.

{ Sonadow } My Emo-tional love connectionWhere stories live. Discover now