"My life story"

408 18 3

Date: March 30,2018
Word count : 1519

Your pov:

"Hi my name is y/n !! Just kidding !! I ain't really happy about that my parents ugh !

I don't even want to say I never met them so it's hard to say if I like them or not just kidding once again I'm being sarcastic sorry that's just how I am

I don't like my parents cause my best-friends parents told me that they just came over one night and left me here at there house

now I live with my used to be crush not anymore he has a girlfriend and I have more important things then relationships to worry about like MY FUTURE ... And MY REPUTATION

I don't wanna end up like my parents I want to go to college have a good life and be ....." I say out loud while looking out the window until I hear my door open and someone finishes my sentence.

"Free" a voice says that I recognized

I turn around to see who it is and who do I see ugh... it's him OLIVER MOY MY BEST-friend ex CRUSH.
WE AIN'T AS CLOSE AS BEFORE I used to treat HIM Like if we were like a couple but not any really touchy stuff but when he got a girlfriend.
it changed she bullied me and everything then me and him started to drift away he would always bring her over and never stop talking about her it was annoying .

then I started to hangout with Sebastian we got closer and closer everyday, we had so much fun, he helped me study and everything my grades went up, we always went out, I learned how to dance and everything after sometime.....
I got a phone an iphone 7 gem black he bought it for me for my birthday I was happy and all but I rarely used it but now I use it a lot Mainly for important stuff or for when I was bored at the house because Oliver's girlfriend f/n (friends name) would always give me a dirty look and when Sebastian wasn't home...

after a year and a few months hanging out with Sebastian we got closer then me and Oliver ever did.

{one day }<this is the day when me and Sebastian stopped talking>

we were swimming in the pool and laughing after sometime in the water playing around... we had a moment when we were getting out from underneath the water we were looking at each other in a way I never looked at Oliver .... I gulp ........... we got closer to each other and then he grabs my face with one hand and wrapped his other hand around my waist so I put my arms around his neck then he pulled me closer our noses touched ....
we were about to kiss but of course Oliver walked outside and saw us...and what did he do.....
HE SAID something!!!?

{moments before that happened }

Oliver's pov

I woke up hours ago...(yawn) but f/n my girlfriend wouldn't stop bothering me with her texts so I took a shower and decided to go in the pool with Sebastian and y/n After I got out the shower. Before I went in the shower..... I heard them Laughing and even though I got a girlfriend, I have been jealous of Sebastian ever since they started to hangout , him and y/n.

I always wanted to join but f/n would always make me go somewhere else with her since I didn't get to go to a lot of places with her.

I was really busy with my job and school can't forget about I always had to spend time with
y/n since I was the one who told my mom to adopt her so she would have a good family and life after everything that has happened to her I even had to spend time with my family.
so when ever I had some free time .....I always agreed to go with her somewhere.

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