Grayson's POV

When we were there Liza looked so cute. Me  and Ethan decided to not bully her anymore because to be honest she's really cute,hot,talented,etc... and we both have a big ass crush on her. Liza went to bed and I decided to go there to and of course Ethan followed me and we saw her make a vine and it was perfect. Then she went to sleep and we got in the bed with her and put our bodies together me on the right side son she has her face barred into my bare chest. And Ethan was spooning her and put his hands on her butt that made me jealous. But we finally fell asleep.

Liza's POV

I wake up to see Grayson hugging me from the front and my heads in his chest and Ethan has his hand on my butt. " AHHHH!!!!" I yelled it woke them up " wtf are you guys doing." I said raising my voice. " AHHH!!!" They yelled and fell off my bed. " WTF." I yelled. " uhhh umm we were tired." Grayson said " SO YOU CAME HERE?" I yelled. And my parents came in here and there's did too. " WHAT HAPPENED?" Our Mom yelled. " THEY SLEPT IN THE SAME BED ME!" I yelled " omg you scared me but it was so cute but eth you gotta watch were you put your hands haha." Mrs Dolan said. " uh can you leave me now so I can change and ya..." I said " we don't care if you change in-fronted us babe." Ethan says and smirks and so dose Grayson. " ugh GET OUT." I yelled the last part. " ok ok geez, come on bro." Grayson says and walks out. " don't put makeup on that hickey of yours baby." Ethan says and gives me a hickeys. " uhmm ok now go." I say and he leaves and I put my clothes on ( up ^^ ) I walk downstairs to the kitchen to see everyone there and I just sit at the island. " you look cute today babe." I hear and I look up to see Grayson. " umm thanks ig." I say. " she's not cute at all see sexy af." Ethan says. " I'm going upstairs for a 'sower' don't come in please. Because ik what your thinking pervs." I say and chuckle. " ok but damm baby girl." Ethan and Grayson say at the same time. I roll my eyes and walk upstairs to take a ' sower ' but really I'm gonna make my first YouTube video.

( ^^ up ^^ ) I lay down on my belly and edit a video. " wow bby you did good for you first video but now for the edit and the thumbnail is gonna be hard." I hear and I look up to see Ethan. " well no it's not hard because I already did it." I say and smile. " let me see. GRAYSON COME HERE." Ethan says. " what's up?" He says " Liza made a video and edit them all by herself and it's better then ares bruh." He says " what I want to watch." He says and we get up and up and walk to my bed and sit. And they hop on one side of me and lay there heads on my boobs as a pillow. " start it." Ethan says and Grayson starts it " play with my hair babe." Grayson say and puts my hand on his head and I play with it and did the same thing to Ethan.


" wow babe you did better than us plz teach us." Ethan says. " fine but I'm posting first." I say " ok I'll give you a shoutout on Twitter ( oh ya she has about 2.5 million followers on there to lol.) too." Grayson says " me too." Ethan says. " I'll give you guys one too ig."

Tweet: just posted my first YouTube video hope y'all enjoy. And the Dolans twins want me to help them edit lol.

" ok done." I say " SAME." They yell. " who want to carry me downstairs because I'm too lazy to walk." I asked " I WILL." They yelled at the same time. " someone just chose or one cary me the way down and then we can come back up here." I said " I'll carry you princess." Grayson said " ok." He picked me up and put me on his back and i felt someone touch my butt and it was Ethan's. He smirked and then walked in front of us. When we got down he sat me on his lap so my head was in his chest but when ethan saw us he got me off. " wtf dude she was about to go to sleep." Gray said " yea dude I was." I said with a chuckle. " she can sleep here with me." Ethan said. " KIDS WERE LEAVING IN TEN." Mr Dolan yelled. " OK DAD." They yelled back. " let's go back up." Ethan said. " uhh ok." I said. He put me on his back and I felt a hand on my but. I turn around and see Grayson just like Ethan did. " what's with all the butt touching." I asked laughing. " you have a nice ass bby girl." Ethan says and Grayson agrees. When we got up there they place me on my bed and then i started to fall asleep. Then I felt someone kissing my neck giving me hickeys and same to the other side. Then I fell asleep.

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