Sinbad Vs Captain Jack

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The Tavern was loud and annoying at this time of night which wasn't unusually for this particular tavern. Sinbad sat in the back with his back to the wall watching as people came and went he was waiting for a friend to show up one that he had not seen since his time with his mother and father. He had heard that Jack had gotten himself a ship and was sailing the seven seas as a Pirate. Why he asked Sinbad to meet at this tavern he had no idea but he didn't mind in the slightest it reminded him of the tavern at home one that his father frequently went too, one that his mother forbade him to go to. Jack and him used to go to it all the time trying to get stories out of travelers and here the gossip of the world. Sinbad hadn't been to a tavern in a long while. So while he was sitting in the back he didn't particularly notice the commotion another young man was causing at the front of the tavern.

Jack was excited to show his crew the man he grew up with. It had been so long since he had seen Sinbad he really missed him. Jack wasn't at the tavern yet but he was almost there his crew was already making a commotion. Jack entered the tavern looking around for Sinbad, before spotting him in the back corner talking to the bartender.

I looked around the bar looking for my friend Sinbad before I spotted him in the back of the Tavern talking to the bartender. It had been so long since I've seen him. I heard that he had captured some dungeon awhile back. I looked around for my crew to see them already drinking each other under the table. I sighed and walked over to my childhood friend.

" H-hey, Sinbad. How are you doing? It's been awhile!" I laughed tapping him on the shoulder.

His head turned from his current conversation with the bartender, his eyes widening as we made eye contact, "Jack, I haven't seen you in a long while. I'm doing good, how have you been all these years?"

" I've been good. I was going to introduce you to my crew but they already started trying to drink each other under the table."

"Hahaha they sound like we used to when we were younger. Trying to one up each other in drinking contests."
" Your right, Ah the good old days when all we really had to worry about was weather or not your mother was going to kill us for sneaking down to the tavern."

" True. Now Jack stop standing around like a stranger and sit down order a drink."

"Alright, Alright but I want to at least introduce you to the more sober members of my crew." Jack complained to his friend as he pulled him into a standing position. Jack basically all but dragged Sindbad to the other side of the tavern, where some people were drinking but not excessively. The others looked up when they got close enough to them, smiles breaking out on their faces.

"AH! Captain what are ye doing over here I thought we came here to meet a childhood friend of yours?" An elderly looking man with a thick white beard commented as Jack came over.

"Well Mr. Gibbs I wanted ta introduce ya ta my childhood friend, this is Sinbad." Jack said excitedly pulling Sinbad up in front of him. Sinbad just rolled his eyes at his friend and waved awkwardly. Mr. Gibbs eyed him warily for a moment before smiling at him.

" Welcome Sinbad to the crew of Captain Jack Sparrow." Mr. Gibbs shouted out. Sinbad looked about ready to panic he wasn't joining the crew, thank you very much. Jack noticed that too. " Mr. Gibbs Sinbad won't be joining the crew he is just a friend." Jack told in a stern voice. Mr. Gibbs looked surprised. " Of course captain. It's just not everyday ya introduce someone to us without having them joining the crew." Sinbad looked at Jack warily. " Really Jack you only introduce people to the crew if they're going to join? That's just sad am I really your only friend?" Sinbad teased his friend. " Of course your not my only friend, I have friends!" Jack yelled defensively. Mr. Gibbs snorted. "Of course you do Jack then why is your crew staring at you like you have two heads. Face it i'm your only friend." Sinbad taunted. Jack looked about ready to hit him. " That's it you're just asking for a beating." Jack shouted before lunging at Sinbad. Mr. Gibbs jumped up and pulled Jack off of Sinbad. " Jack stop trying to kill your friend and settle it another way." Mr. Gibbs yelled at Jack as Sinbad had jumped up and hid behind Gibbs. Jack huffed like a three year old before turning to the bartender. " I need to glasses of rum!" Jack shouted before looking at Sinbad. " Sinbad how about we settle this like we used when we were younger?" Jack smirked. Sinbad smiled at him. " You mean when we had drinking contest and I always wiped the floor with you?" Sinbad taunted. "You wiped the floor with me? No no no it was me who wiped the floor with you!" Jack yelled back. The bartender came over and gave them their drinks. He looked at them in surprise as them finished it before he even turned around to head back to the bar. " Mr. Bartender we are about to drink your whole supply of Alcohol. So keep the drinks coming!" Jack said before looking at Sinbad and smirking. Jack's crew looked at him like he had grown another head. "Captain if you don't win this we're leaving you to yourself and you can find yourself another crew." Someone yelled from further down the bar. Sinbad looked surprised that someone would leave their Captain just because he lost a drinking contest. " Wow Jack nice loyal crew ya got there." Sinbad teased before downing his drink and taking another. Jack smirked. "I have nothing to worry about here you're going down just like last time we had a contest." Jack stated. " The only reason you won last time was because I had already drunk another guy under the table before you even showed up!" Sinbad yelled while finishing his tenth glass. "Oh sure just like the time we were thirteen and your mother nearly skinned me alive?" Jack said while finishing his fifthteenth glass. " The only reason my mother nearly skinned you alive wasn't because we had a drinking contest it was because you brought me into the middle of a bar fight and you broke my arm?" Sinbad yelled. Jack's crew raised and eyebrow at that as they watched as Sinbad and Jack yelled back and forth at each other while drinking like no tomorrow. They had already wiped out half the taverns stock of Alcohol and were surprised that they were only just starting to slur their words the bartender look about ready to faint seeing these two men drink his whole stock of Alcohol. With only a tenth of the taven's stock left they were thoroughly drunk and spouting off nonsense. The bartender brought out there last drink for the night. They both downed it together before reaching for their next glass. When both their hands meet nothing they turned to the bartender. Jack's crew were surprised they were still conscious. " Where's all the rum gone?" Jack slurred before falling over onto his back. He looked over to see Sinbad on his back. " Hahaha I win Sinbad!" Jack yelled at his friend. " NO you don't Jack I win!" They started yelling back and forth at each other before

They both past out at the same time. Jack's crew was wondering who to cheer for, their captain or his friend. They decided it didn't matter and just took the two of them back to their ship.


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