Rap monster found me hanging out with a guy.After school he said who that guy y/n tell me your not cheating?!Uhhh your single.Ohhh Yea.Im taken.Ok I'll take you home.No I bf is taking me home.Then on a date.Ohhh where.?!Im not telling you it at 12:00pm.ok? Cool have fun?!Thx?Ur welcome.You get dress even hotter.You bf text you y/n are you done I'm at your door right now.You said yes I'm coming down the stairs.He said ok be carful down.ok.You went down he bought you flowers.So you saw a car following you.Then he was going to the same place with family.But he look like rap monster.He was spying on you the whole time you told you bf.But don't fight him at all plz.why not he is going to kidnap you y/n tho. He not?!How do you know that huh.