New People

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Alfred descended down the stairs and made his way to the kitchen as the boys followed shortly behind him. He came into the kitchen stopping dead in his tracks.

They all looked and gaped at the big buffet on the table and Bruce sitting on the counter reading a magazine. He looked and smiled as they noticed cat ears on top of his head.

"Good morning everyone! I made breakfast!" He said as Jason walked up to him and pet his ears and Bruce smiled softly.

"They sometimes appear sometimes...I get it from my grandma...she was the only one on my planet that could understand animals and also obtain their skills.." He said putting a cloth on them and smiled shyly.

"Shall we eat? I have invited the heroes also...if that was okay." He said as the doorbell rang as Dick ran to get it. "It's fine...we just don't really associate with them during the day." Jason responded as Bruce sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to all parents and family always eat together..." He trailed off as the others came in and smiled sitting down.

They ate and talked occasionally as Bruce cleaned up humming. Alfred smiled softly as he watched Bruce wash the dishes without complaint.

"So Bruce, when are you going to get married?" Hal asked as Bruce looked at him and blinked. "I don't need a man in my life. My father said I could stay single,but I would need to have a child." He murmured as they choked.

"You can have children?!" They exclaimed as hell blinked. "Everyone can if they have the right body parts..." He responded as they ohed and he smiled.

"But yes, I can conceive..." He said as all the boys had nose bleeds and he giggled. "Oh come now, don't women and some rare men on this planet conceive?" He asked as they all looked at each other.

"Only women can have children on this planet..." J'onn replied as Bruce blinked and frowned slightly. "I don't me being able to have children bad?" He asked as Clark cleared his throat.

"Of course not! It's just...we haven't heard that men could have children...but it also explains why you look so beautiful and one of the reasons why Darksied is after you." He said as Bruce tilted his head.

"Yes....I've thought that also, but he doesn't know of these things...only that my people are very special." He responded as they finished eating and helped him clean up.

"Well, that's very least we kind of know the reason for him coming after you." Arthur said as Bruce smiled softly. "Perhaps...I wish to learn more of your nightly activities...I'm curious." He said as Jason smirked happily.


That night............

"This is not what I expected...." Bruce whispered as guns shot at them and Nightwing glared at Red Hood. "The hell were you thinking! Oh wait, you weren't!" He hissed as Red Hood loaded his gun.

"Shut the fuck up asshole!" He snarled at him angrily as Robin and Red Robin sighed. "Can you two argue later? Superman and Flash are on their way from dropping the other criminals off. Wonder Woman and GL are holding off the other guards! We have to do something!" Red Robin said as Bruce looked at the others as they all argued.

He sighed and snapped his fingers as the gun turned into water guns and everyone blinked. "If I won't get anything done if you just rush into a situation like this. This is how you get hurt." He responded as he ran out and fought the rest of the robbers with grace and ease.

He kicked the guy in the face and looked up at the other one shaking like a leaf. Bruce stared at him and narrowed his eyes as the guy dropped down unconscious. The boys gaped at him as he smiled and Flash sped in and smirked.

"I won Supes! I...woah.." Superman frowned and looked around understanding his surprise as they looked at Bruce take down the last robber. Bruce tied them all up and smiled sweetly at them.

"That was trilling! Let's do that again!" He said smiling as they blinked and walked to Diana. "What's next?" He asked as they smiled.


They watched as Bruce ate the ice cream happily and finished with a small burp. "Pardon me!" He giggled wiping his face off. "That was incredible! I love the cream of ice!" He exclaimed as the girl gave him another scoop blushing.

He smiled brightly at her as her blush deepened. "Thank you Miss! I love your frozen treat!" He said as she smiled softly. "Thank you and you're welcome.." She responded and Bruce smiled eating again.

"You put my eating skills to shame." Barry said as Clark nodded in agreement. "And he stays so skinny and beautiful...lucky." Diana murmured as Bruce finished with a burp and started to yawn cutely.

He rubbed his eyes as they got up and he followed them tiredly outside. Clark knelt as Bruce blinked and got on his back and fell asleep instantly.

The next morning...............

Bruce woke up slowly as he looked at the clock and got up stretching. Alfred knocked as he opened the curtains and window smelling the fresh air.

"Come in!" He said as Alfred came in smiling softly as he watched Bruce look out the window. "Good morning, would you like to help me cook?" Alfred asked as Bruce smiled and nodded.

"Of course! What are we fixing?" He asked as they walked to the kitchen. "Waffles, bacon and eggs. I was thinking maybe a smoothy for everyone also." He replied as started and Bruce started humming softly.

Bruce stopped and held his head frowning as Alfred looked in concern. "Are you ok Bruce?" He asked as Bruce smiled weakly. "Yes...I..." He trailed off as his eyes flashed gold and he turned kicking something that flew into the wall.

Alfred looked in shock as the figure got up dusting himself off with a smirk. "Adam, what are you doing here?" Bruce asked as Adam smiled. "Hello gorgeous, your grandfather sent me to guard you just in case that monster comes after you." He responded as Bruce sighed.

"How's it going over there?" He asked as Adam sighed. "They are putting up a good fight, but I don't know when Darksied is going to attack again. Right now they are getting their forces together for another round." He replied as Bruce nodded.

"I see....oh Alfred, this is Adam my guard." He said as Adam waved at him and took a slice of bacon. "He doesn't even look like a guard.." Alfred mumbled as Bruce laughed and Adam glared at him.

"Actually, he's the strongest guard I know...even though he flirts with me." Bruce responded as Adam winked. "Can't help it sexy, one day you'll need a man like me and that day is soon." He said as Bruce huffed.

"Good morning everyone...." Tim trailed off staring at Adam who walked over to him and smirked. "Hey hot stuff...I remember you." He said as Tim blushed clearing his throat.

"You two know each other?" Alfred asked as Tim sighed. "We met two nights ago...and he kissed me." He responded as Bruce pushed Adam away from Tim.

"I'm sorry Tim, he's a player at heart. Don't let his good looks deceive you." He said as Adam chuckled. "I love you too honey." He cooked as Bruce sighed.

"Well, let's eat so wer can show you around." he said as Adam smiled and started eating. Bruce looked out the window and closed his eyes.

He blinked as he frowned hearing muffled voices. He opened his eyes again as he stared at Alfred's concerned face. "Are you okay? You passed out and we've been trying to wake you up for an hour." He said as Bruce sat up slowly.

"I was listening to the earth...sometimes I meditate in nature.... it helps me relax and focus." He responded as Alfred huffed.

"Next time tell me before doing that." He said as Bruce smiles. "Promise." He replied with a giggle as they continued eating.

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