Ninja horse

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hey guys sorry I have taken so long i'm just really lazy anyway i'm back now so on to chapter 7.


May's pov*

After I freed all the horses I began leading them out the way I came in. That's when someone began opening a door and I knew if i didn't do something right now I would be caught so I used my awesome ninja skills and rolled my way over there. The guy stuck his head out the door first he looked left then before he looked at us which is on the right side I punched him hard knocking him out.

I pulled him from the door and made him look like he was leaning on the wall just because I thought it would be funny I took his left hand and put the pointer finger up his nose. Then I took his right one and stuck it inside the front of his pants to make it look like he was grabbing his junk I chuckled and started walking again.

All the horses were still following me to make this even more fun I took mud and put it under my eyes I took some leaves from nearby bush's and stuck them to me with mud. I may live in the wild but i'm still smart and have watched tv before.

I once saw this one show and this music came on while the person was sneaking around so i started humming that song. I probably looked crazy but I could care less in a few more minutes we were almost to the door when I seen a snow white horse in a stall of course I was gonna let it free but there was something about it that made me attracted to it.

I opened its stall and walked up to it I don't even know what to think its so beautiful I patted it on the nose and returned to the other horses. The white horse followed we made it to the doors with fortunately no more disturbances and Mace found his mother i'm happy but I was hopping he wouldn't find her. 

I took that mans clothes off and shifted and started running with all the horses still  following me. (I don't really care for there time running home)

Finally we returned back to our Fields  yet none of the horses left they all stayed I guess they just fell protected around me well what can I say I have that affect on people and animals my mind wonders back to that white horse and then I spot him. Hes standing at the edge of the herd staring strait at me he starts walking this way.

He stops right in front of me and does the most shocking thing ever he shifts.


sorry its such a short chapter I know I do this a lot and I am truly sorry and this is a weird question but does anyone have saint bernard puppies for adoption or know someone who does my friend is looking for one must be in michigan. 

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