The Great Rescue

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Third person pov
"How can you just let him be there," the transfigure teacher ranted.
"I was there for an hour watching the boy cook,clean, and mow AND HE DIDENT GET TO EAT, DRINK OR EVEN REST FOR A SECOND!" She yelled
"What is happening in here?" Severous asked, walking in.
"I can hear you from the dungeons." He told them, crossing his arms.
"Tell him, Albus." Minerva demanded
"Severous," Dumbledore started hesitantly
"Do you remember ever being..... intimit with Lily? Ever?" He asked suddenly.
Severous's eyes shot down to the ground.
"Why would that be of importantce?" He asked, figeting with the end of his robes.
"Just answer." Minerva said standing straight, arms crossed.
"Just answer!!!" Minerva yelled
"Alright, Alright! It was her bachelorette party, I was in the bar were they were and we got drunk and stupid." Severous looked to the ground.
"Severous." Dumbledore started boldley
"Yes?" Severus asked tiredley
"I need you to collect someone for me."
Dumbledore stood and turned to his window.
"Harry Potter."

Severus pov
I grumbled angerley walking down a muggle street, stopping at number 4 Pivett drive.
I walked over and knocked on the door.
It threw open not a second later, an over weight pig of a child stood before me.
I snarled at him,
"Mr.potter?" I questioned
The childs eyes widened,
"MAMA!! SOMEONE WEIRD IS HERE!!" The child screamed out before running back into the house.
I grumbled, steping into the house,
"Dudleykins, what is-OH?!"
"Petunia." I snarled
"What.are.YOU. doing here?" She asked pulling the child behind her all whil trying to act mencing, i raised my eyebrow.
"Im here for Potter."
She growled
"Well, you cant have him!"
I rolled my eyes, of course she wasent going to let potter go. He was probably star of the household.
"Well, i just need him fo-"
I whipped my head around at the sudden noise,
I saw a flash of black hit the wall and a large walrus of a man come out, a belt fisted in his hand.
I heard a wimper, as the black lump moved, a voice wimpered,
"I s..s..sowy' un..un..un..unkill vernon." The voice trembled, terror, sadness, fear and absolute hate laced through each word.
"How dare you apologise! Is that gowing to fix my dishes!" The man stalked over to the boy.
"Ill teach you!"
"I think not." I waved the man away to his wife.
"Vernon!!" She feel to her knees to help him.
I stalked over to the lump on the floor, glaring at them.
I kneeled down to get a better look.
My heart stoped, the world stood still.
The child was so bruised, dirty, and so terrified, he shook.
I raised my hand, he flinched back harshley, i cupped his face letting my thumb go across his cheek bone carefully.
I quickley stood.
"Get your things." I commanded him
He lifted himself off the ground, and went to the stair, crawling into a cabart under the stairs, i held back a hiss.
The boy came back moments later, holding a plastic bag, bulging with large shirts.
He came up to me, uncertain of what to do.
"Come." I coaxed him
"W..were do you think ya..ya..your going?!" The walrus asked
"Non, of your concern." I Said picking the boy up and walking hastiley out of the house.

We aparated to hogwarts, the child clutched onto me for dear life.
I went straight to the hospital wing, to check on the childs health.
I called out.
"Serverus,what on earth-"
She gasped quickley, yancking the boy from my grasp.
She sat him down and began to run test, all the while, he shook, tears threatened to fall.
"Ah, Severus my boy." Albus stated coming in, Magonagal trailing close behind.
"Was it bad?" She asked, her voiced leaked Mama bear vibes.
"Terrible." I looked out of a window,
"Oh!" We quickley ran towards poppy, who stood still.
"We know poppy, we know." He looked at her, a stone cold look fell through its usually soft happy face.
"Give it to him."
Poppy came over to me, grabbing my hand she set me down next to the boy.
She then gave me the papers she held and scurried off else were.
I looked to the papers, My anger intinsified.
Harry potter
Age one:
Malnutrishion, dehidration, concution, sunburnt, half-drowned
Age two
Malnutrition, dehidration, broken ribs, hands, wrist, burned, heat stroke, drowned, knife scars.
I just stared at the paper, my skin itself felt like it was boiling with rage
"There monsters, absolute monsters." I seethed, glaring down at the paper.
"The next one, Sev."
I flipped and looked at the next paper.
Age: two & six months
Bithdate: july 21st
Parentage: potter, evins, black, and
Mother: lilith ebony jones-evins-potter
Father: james mathew potter
Godparents:Remus & sirius lupin-black
I rose an eyebrow,
"Why is this-"
"Its done She handed me the paper, before getting out of the room.
I looked over,
"Finish that statement and I will not hestitate to turn you into a Gryffindor flag."
I knodded hastiley, looking down at the paper:
Name: Harrison Snape-evins
Age: two and three months
Bithdate: August 13th
Parentage: Evins, snape, black, lupin.
Mother: Lilith ebony jones-evins-potter
Father: Severous tobias snape
Godparents: Remus, Sirius, and Thomas black, Bellatrix lestrange, Albus Dumbledore , and minerva magonagal.
I stared down at the paper.
I dident know what to say, how are all of these possible?
"Ive already set you an appointment at grigotts." Albus laid his hand on my shoulder, "take him with you."
I stood, no emotion displayed on my face.
We aperated to grigotts.
I walked hastiley, still carrying the boy in my arms.
We were lead back into Griphooks office, He smiled at the child.
"Sit." He commanded
I sat, staring down the goblin.
He ruffled through some filing cabinets and pulled out a thin file.
"This is Mrs. Evens last will and testament, she gave to me just after Harry was born." He handed me the file, "read."
Dear Severous, i know you hate me right know.
I know im the last person you want to listen to, but you must.
After the wedding night, James told me he had plans, plans to give Harry to the ministry, to make him into a weapon.
I was scared, desprat.
I dident know who to turn to.
It james knew Harry wasent his, he would have killed him.
I know he would have.
Sev, please believe me.
Hes yours.
I finished reading, folding the paper back up neatly.
I sat clutching it tight in my hand,
"The glamours?"
"Right here,"
He opened his drawer and held up a blue vial,
"Just a teaspoon, it will unlock his full magic and undo all his glamors, i recommened it be done at home though. The process is painfull." He stood, kneeling beside me.
"Mrs. Lily, she was good, just made some bad decisions." He patted my shoulder and left.
I sat there, soaking in all that had been handed to me,
The boy gripped onto my robes, we aperated to my chambers.
I locked everything, sitting down on the couch, I gestured the boy to come over.
He walked cautiously, climbing onto the couch, his eyes never left my hands.
As he was getting situated, i rationed the vial, giving him the tea spoon.
He made a sour face before he stuck his now blue tongue out.
I almost laughed at him, but my emotions were to much right now.
How could Lilly do this to me?
How did she get potter not to notice?
My thoughts were stopped, The boy had both arms wrapped around his skinny belly, he moaned sickley.
I sat waiting for him to began the real pain.
Silincio had all ready been cast, the boy countinued to moan, groan and hold tightley to his belly.
Finally for what felt like hours the child stoped, still panting slightly, he looked up.
I dident know what to say
what to do.
He had my thick black hair, much tamer than before, but not by much.
His eyes were now a gorgeous Adva Kadarvra green, he had few freckles scatered across his pale moon light skin, his face was much more distinctive and poise:
He looked like me, but with her eyes.
I continued to look over him,
This is my child?
This is my child,
This is my child!
Was the only thought that went through my head.
My child?
My child.
The child i left alone?
The child that is scared, alone, and frightened.
The child those monsters hurt.
I felt my anger rise, bubble, and fester.
My magic shook the room.
The child curled up into a ball and shook.
I stopped looking over to him.
"Do..I moe you?" He asked.
I smiled up at him.
"Im your Father."

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