Harry Snape

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Severus pov
I hissed and grumbled at a every bruise, welt, and scar on his little ones body.
He dident deserve this.
I washed his hair, and face, trying to rid him of all the dirt and filth on his person.
His whimpers escaped his lips as I scrubbed.
I shushed and rubbed him, trying to finish.
Finally I emptied the water and began to dry the boy off, he wiggled and squirmed, but let me finish and dress him.
I set him in an old tee shirt of mine the came down as a sort of nightgown for him.
As I sighed to myself wondering were im going to put him to sleep, he leaned into my body and laid his head on my chest, with my question answered I walked to my bed room.
Setting him in the duvet, i stripped of my clothes, and put on some pyjamas.
I crawled into bed and let the exashton of the day and Harries soft breathe lull me into sleep.
I woke up the next morning to the smell of- bacon?
I rolled myself out of bed and walked to my kitchen, we're to my surprise was my two year old son, flipping pancakes and laying out bacon?
He whipped his head around and hunched his shoulders protectivley,
"I...I's sowwy, i twied to make it ewleeer," his little voice cracked softley.
"Oh, Harry." I sat down on the couch,
"Come hear?" He approached me carefully,
As he situated himself in my lap, i spoke:
"Harry, im sorry."
He gave me the same look as yesterday.
"Im sorry those awfully people hurt you, I'm sorry I wasent there for you, and I'm sorry you think cooking for me is normal." I sighed
"Harry, do Wong?" He ask
I chuckled,
"No love, but," his eyes grew scared
"Im your daddy and that means that i cook, i clean and I make sure your the one that's taken care of, not the othere way around,"
He cocked his head,
It hurt me to see he dident understand.
"How about for example: in the morning you still sleep while I make breakfast and when you've dirtied you clothes I wash them, and my chore is to clean the house.
Harry, love, your one and only job here is to keep your room straight and get healthy for me,"
"And wove daddy?"
I smiled,
"Only if you want to," i wispered, he smiled so big house think his cheeks would break off.
I kissed his forehead softley.

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