Craig's Pov:
Jesus fucking Christ.
I'm about to shoot this fucking teacher if she doesn't get to the point of all this.
"Okay students! We will be having a new student joining us today! Please come up here Tweek."
I see a twitchy blonde boy walk up to the teacher. He looks so nervous. I bet this'll end well. "Please introduce yourself to the class."
"H-hello... *gulp* m-my name is T-tweek..." "Well Tweek we are so glad to have you join us please have a seat next to..... Craig!"
'Well shit.'Tweek's Pov:
I feel my face get a bit warmer when I see him. So his name is Craig... I better stop staring and sit down..
I start walking to my seat when a feel a foot kicking me off balance. I close my eyes expecting to hit the ground but the only thing I sense if the smell of cinnamon. I open my eyes and find myself in Craig's arms.I immediately jump back on my feet. "I-I'M SO SORry!!". I feel myself trip on my own words.
"Dude it's fine." Craig gives me a small smile and I take my seat still thinking about it when I notice a boy staring at me..?
He has blonde hair and an orange parka on..? He looks kinda....weird but he's looking at me with such an interested expression and I start to frantically look at different directions trying to avoid his gaze. Apparently Craig notices what's happening and starts shooting glares at the boy.Please let this day end..

A Not so Normal Coffee Drinker
RomanceTweet moves into southpark and goes to school for the first time ever! How will our little cinnamon roll survive in a high school?! Especially when his families hiding something....will he be able to escape from the grasp of his parental control?