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Craig's Pov

I glance over to look at Tweek but I see him acting a little frantic???
He seems to be avoiding.....Kenny?
That fucking pervert he probably what's to fuck Tweek already. I shoot a glare at Kenny trying to make him stop staring at Tweek.
Why am I so jealous?..
"Fucking pervert.." I mumble under my breath.

~Time Skip~

Tweek's Pov:
"It's just the bell dude, hehe." I look up to see the blonde boy talking to me. "" i sputter out. "Anyway, your names Tweek right? I'm Kenny. Kenny McCormick." Kenny said. I spotted Craig walking over here and I feel my face instantly heat up. "O-OKAY THAT'S N-NICE BYE!" I scream out and burst out of the classroom.

Craig's Pov:

"Dude what did you say to him?" I asked Kenny
"I only told him my name dude! But I gotta go after him, I wanna go ask him if he'll sit with us in lunch. I bet he'll get along with Butters. Well, what do you think about Tweek?" Kenny asked. "...pretty damn cute.." I mumble.
"NOTHING BYE." I flip him and go to my next class.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hi! I'm sorry this chapters kinda short! I'm trying to come up with new ideas for this story so please bear with me 🐻. Thank you for reading!:3

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