Save Me

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Hating one's self.
It's something I am really good at.
I hate myself.
I hate myself for being Me.
Why am I like this?
Why am I just this?
Why can't I be like them?
Why not me?
Why can't they like me?
Why don't he love me?
Why can't he love me?

Maybe, just maybe..
Maybe if I was beautiful..
Maybe if I was smart...
Maybe if I am not ugly..
Maybe if I am enough...
Like them...
Just maybe...
Maybe he would love me back...
Maybe they would like me...
Maybe they won't treat me like dirt..
Maybe they would see me as a human being...
Just maybe...
If I looked a bit normal...
Maybe the world would accept me...

Just maybe...

But I'm not...
And I never will be...

Because I'm just me..

I wanted someone to look into my eye and say, "I love you. Just the way you are."

But it can't be..
And it can never be...

I wanted someone to tell me, "I understand. You are not alone. You never walk alone."
But there isn't any...
And there can never be..

I was crying for help.
But no one hears me.
In this room full of darkness, I wanted to see a light...
Save me...
Save me...
I need your love before I fall...

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