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At times I wonder, why is it that they do not like me?
Why is it that people insult me, ridicule me, call me ugly and other unwholesome stuff?
Don't I deserve to live life?
Don't I deserve to be loved?
Don't I deserve to be loved back by the person I love?
I wonder why...
But then, when I look at myself in front of a mirror...
It was then that I have realized....
It was then that I have understood why...
I truly am hideous...
I am ugly...
That's when it hit me...
They are right...
I do not deserve to live life..
I do not deserve to be liked back by the person I like...
I do not deserve to be loved...
My reflection tells me everything...

People always say that it is what's on the inside that matters...
People always say those things...
However good or smart you are, they will only see your appearance...
I hate myself...
I hate myself for being me...

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