I'm Fine

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Why do we pretend?
Why do people always have to hide their real emotions?
Why do we always have to fake a smile?
Why is life like this?

Life is hard.
But what makes our life even harder is us pretending that we are fine,  that everything is fine,  eventhough we know deep inside our hearts that we are not okay.  That we want people to save us.  That we need someone to tell us that,  "Everything's gonna be okay. "

We hope...
Somewhere in our hearts, we hope that in the end,  everything would be okay... 

In a world full of people, why do I always feel like I'm alone?
Why does it seem like no one understands me?
I hate myself.
I hate myself for being me.
I wish I would die.
I wish I would just disappear so that I would not cause any trouble to other people anymore..
So that there would be one less burden from all their troubles in life.
I want to die. 
I just badly want to die.
But why is it that every single day,  I have to put on a smile on my face?
Why is it that every single day I have to put a mask?
I just want to die.
So everything would be alright.
The world would become a better place when I am not here. 
Whenever someone asks me how I was, I always wanted to tell how I truly feel.
But all that ever comes out from my mouth are the words,
"I'm fine. "

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