Chapter 4

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After we finished talking we returned to our rooms and I fell asleep.

But I was woken up by a bad dream that made me scream, I jumped up out of bed and sat at the edge of my bed crying and seconds later dimitri was through the door with his stake, he looked at me and put the stake on the side
"I'm sorry did I wake you" I asked as turned the light on
"No its ok, what's wrong"
"Alberta didn't tell you did she"
"Tell me what"
"I have nightmares about my mother, about the day she gave me the scar and what would have happened if she stayed but they all end the same me in a pool of blood on the floor"
By now he was on his knees by my legs and had his hands on my knees.
"Like I said before, nobody is gonna hurt you while I am here I can promise you that"
"It's just when I'm alone scared she's gonna get in somehow"
"Well then you don't have to be alone I'll stay on your couch until your ready to be alone again"
"Thank you comrade"

I flung my arms around him and hugged him and then I lead back down as dimitri went to grab his things. Once he was back in handed him a pillow and a blanket and he lead on the couch so I could see him and I fell asleep again.

I woke up in the morning to my alarm clock going off, when I pressed the button and or didn't turn off I threw it at the wall
"Woah, what did that ever do to you"
"I'm not a morning person" I said putting my head under the covers
"Rose you have to get up"
"Well I'll just have to eat these chocolate donoughts by my self then won't"
I shot up and he laughed
"I'm up can I have one now please"
"There in the kitchen" I smiled and went to grab a few when I returned he was dressed and on the couch ready a cowboy book I chuckled to my self and ate then went Into the bathroom to get changed.

While I was in the shower there was a knock at the door so I asked dimitri to get it.
I got out, got changed and when I went into my room my father had dimitri pinned to the wall
"Dad get off him" I shouted
"Rose are you ok" he said stilling holding onto him and I noticed that my dad had punched him and his lip was bleeding
"Dad did you punch him"
"Well he was in your room so I just assumed"
"Assumed what that I'd slept with him, dad no I didn't sleep with him, mum came yesterday and I didn't want to be alone so he stayed on the couch now let him go" I said sternly.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed the first aid box and knelt down in front of dimitri
"What are you going here anyway dad" I said as I got a wipe out of the case
"It's the 20th"
"Oh I'm sorry I forgot, what are we doing today" I said as I cleaned dimitri up
"Well I thought we could go shopping, I've cleared it with Alberta so it's me you Alberta and belikov going"
"Dad I don't have my credit cards, I left them in house I'm Russia"
"Good job I went back and got them then" he said handing me them
I tool them then went and put the first aid box away.

When I returned I glared at my father until he noticed
"Are you going to apologise"
"Apologies dad"
"Fine, dimitri I'm sorry"
He nodded and we left my room
"See it wasn't that hard now was it" I laughed and we went to the cars.

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