23/ on the road by jack kerouac

172 13 5

read: 25.03.18 - 31.03.18

book: On the Road

author: Jack Kerouac

blurb: Leaving a broken marriage behind him, Sal Paradise joins Dean Moriarty, a tearaway and former reform school boy, on a series of journeys that takes them from New York to San Francisco, then south to Mexico. Hitching rides and boarding buses, they enter a world of hobos and drifters, fruit-pickers and migrant families, small towns and wide horizons. Adrift from conventional society, they experience America in the raw: a place where living is hard, but 'life is holy and every moment is precious'.

review: This took much longer to read than anticipated, mainly because for a majority of the book I was not completely engrossed in the story. For the first 200 pages I couldn't have cared less about the characters, and found that the plot moved too quickly for me to get attached to anyone.

But in the last 90 pages I began to enjoy the book a lot more, and found it really interesting to see the philosophical thoughts coming from Sal about his life. It was an interesting book to read and I enjoyed learning about the antics the characters got up to but I didn't love it. If I'm honest, I probably won't remember a lot about this book in a couple of months.

rating: 7.5/10

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