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She was walking through the aisle, wearing the most beautiful white gown dress that she had in her closet. She tried to look happy but she knew she couldn't hide the feeling of nervousness deep inside her. She couldn't help it but to cry, not for joy but for pain, she was trying so hard to hide her tears; she doesn't want to worry them so she looks down biting her lower lips

As she walked through the aisle she did her best to avoid having an eye contact with him and turned left to where she was supposed to sit. She felt his gaze under her, he was staring at her and saw how nervous she was, he knew something was wrong but he couldn't do anything for he has to do his duties and obligations especially to this woman in front of him who's going to be soon his queen. His gaze remained on her and he knew he couldn't hide his face, how worried he is for the woman whom he used to share dreams with, whom he promised to love forever, whom he wanted to rule his kingdom with, and whom he shared his loves and affections with. He was beyond worried, he wanted to walk near her, he wanted to ask her what's wrong, and most of all he wanted to comfort her. He looked at his' best man and gave him a questioning look but all he answered was a bitter smile and worried expression directing at her. He was confused, he wanted to know what's wrong but she wouldn't allow him to look at her eyes, he smiled a bitter one, he never thought that this day would come that he had to forced himself to share his dreams and rule his kingdom with someone he never thought of marrying he looked at her for the last time and closed his eyes remembering and cherishing those days when she used to be his' and he used to be hers, those little worlds of them, how perfect it felt, and how perfect she felt under his arms, caressing her like a baby, drawing small circles on her back, and giving her reassuring words, he smiled at those memories and he knew he's bringing too much pain in him but he also knew that love will never be easy, there are times that you had to feel that you were born for each other but at the end of the day reality will snapped at you, slapped you and waked you from your dreams and fantasies and he knew he had to accept it that this time he came a little too late to claim her as his and he had to accept it at least for her sake and in those thoughts he chuckled, a bitter one.

On other hand she was too busy on her thoughts that she didn't notice how time flew so fast as the priest's words caught her attention from her deep thoughts

"Does anyone of you have any objections?"

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