Chapter 1

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"Good morning mother! How was your sleep last night?" The prince asked over his mother who was bedridden for nearly a week and thank God she was finally up and walking like nothing happened

"Ohh darling, do I look like a damsel in distress for you?" The queen retorted and he can't help but chuckled for his mother's reply when somebody barged in the room interrupting their little conversation not even bothering to check if his wife was well or unwell

"So you're finally up by your little drama aren't you?" The king said giving them his impassive looks. Prince Gabriel couldn't help it but to clench his fist tightly and gritted his teeth by the way his father treated her mother, he couldn't help it so he stood up and shouted at him

"She was sick! You didn't even bother to visit her!! You're tw-"

"That's enough Gabriel!!" Her mother chided him for she doesn't want to hear another fight so early in the morning. She looked up at him and gave him a reassuring look, Gabriel on other hand lowered his gaze and sat down

"Well thank you darling for even asking" she said and smiled at the king. She knew her smiles annoyed the king a lot so she tried her best to let her smiles reach her eyes and to her triumph she saw the king flinch but her victory was short

"Happy that I bother wasting my saliva and giving you little attentions aren't you? Poor little queen begging for the king's attention" he said and stormed out of the dining hall leaving an angry prince and an embarrassed queen, there was nothing they can do, the king was always like this and they have grown accustomed to the kings behavior

"Are you alright mother?" He asked but he knew his mother would never show her weak state in front of her son and to prove that she smiled at him and stood up

"Well, I'll go and have a walk at the garden, I'm craving for fresh air after those days trapped inside my chambers" she said smiling at him and reassuring him that everything is fine but the prince is not a dense person she knew that he knew that she wasn't fine but she couldn't afford giving her son more problems

"Do you want me to at least accompany you mother?" He asked but the queen shook her head politely and smiled again

"Aren't you visiting the neighboring kingdom to meet your friend, Philip?" She asked and upon remembering he frowned

"But I could always cancel my re-"

"Nonsense darling, you should enjoy your life more often and forget about the pressures your carrying and besides I can feel today is a different day so get up, dress yourself and meet you friend" the queen said with authorities in her words that he can't help it but to obliged from his mother's words

Minutes later and he was out of the castle when his eyes caught a manor that he once used to visit, his mind was clouded with their memories together but they were both young and foolish at that time that they end up causing a major heartaches, those memories gave him pleasures and at the same time pain. He stared at the manor and notices how much it changed, the once colorful, bright, and welcoming manor turned into a dull, dark and unpleasant manor. He used to love this place so much and now it looks so... Haunted.

He looked away, closing his eyes and remembering those days when they were kids, their parents even had a hard time taking them apart from each other every time he and his mother had to go back to the palace and then just like a lightning his minds were clouded once again with their memories together

They were both running on the field, racing towards the tree house when Emerald's foot got tangled on a branch and started to lose her balance and everything started to move so slow

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