22. "I Would Love To."

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[ A/N : I'm dedicating this chapter to my Mum and Iloverayne_dreams , because if it wasn't for both of them, none of us will be here reading any of my stories. They both encouraged me to write, after reading my lyric writing. Love you both, to the moon and back. 😘😘😘😘😘]

Word count : 10k


(July 2016, London)

It's been a few days since their anniversary, when Harry and Louis were sleeping in their bedroom. Harry was sleeping on his side of the bed facing away from Louis, while he was sleeping on his back, on his side of the bed. They still don't cuddle or get close to each other while sleeping, but none of them ever tried to talk about it, either. But one thing they both know very well that they both want it to be like that terribly.

Harry was sleeping in a deep slumber when some kind of distress sound pulled him out his dreamless sleep. He blinked his eyes a few times to regain his consciousness when he heard the sound once again. He lifted himself up on his elbow and tried listen to the sound again in the dark room. But then suddenly someone's whimpers were heard beside him. Harry immediately flipped on the bedside lamps and sat up on the bed, before tuning his body to look at his husband.

There Louis was writhing in agony and bathed in perspiration, between the mattress and duvet cover. His face closed in a grimace, his skin pale and clammy, tears running down from the corner of his eyes. Suddenly he let out a loud scream of "NO !!!" It was not like one of those guys in some Tarantino movie being tortured, but worse. It had a raw quality, the realness of a person consumed by a pain that knew no end or limit. Then he suddenly became quiet, just panting.

If Harry was still in his sleepy mind before, then now he was completely woken up by Louis' loud cries. Louis again screamed as if something horrible was happening to him and he can do nothing to stop it. Harry rushed to sit beside the hurting boy. The sounds Louis was making, break his heart, and for a moment Harry was lost on what to do.

Suddenly there were a few immediate knocks heard on their bedroom door and the door knob turned around opening it slightly.

" Harry, what was that noise ?" Gemma's frightened voice asked behind the door. She was still not opening the door fully, minding their privacy. But she was worried because she still could hear Louis' crying. It was almost 3 in the morning.

" C-come in Gemma." Harry said and Gemma walked inside the room. A gasp left from her lips when she saw Louis' condition.

Harry looked at his sister and back to Louis when he again started crying like he was being tortured. When he heard the heart wrenching cry again, Harry knew that Louis' nightmare was getting worse. Harry placed a hand on Louis' arm. "Lou..."

Louis' head turns, his face pale and he's breathing in distress. "N-No." He gasps in his sleep. His hands bunching on the bedsheets, the veins on his neck straining from the pressure he was gasping heavily.

"Louis." Harry calls again, "Baby, wake up."

" M-Maa... D-don't l-leave me" Louis was begging, heartbroken.

"Wake him up, Harry ." Gemma says, looking almost in tears. Harry looks over to see his sister sitting at the edge of the bed while staring at Louis.

Gemma's face scrunched up as if she was in pain as well . "Do it. Please."

"Louis, wake up..." Harry called , not sure if he should use a loud voice or not. It could effect him differently. But when Louis still wasn't responding, Harry grabbed both of his shoulders and hold him still before giving him a rough shake . "Louis!" The firm shake jolted him out of his abysmal dream before his lids flutter open and he startles awake. His blue eyes those were now scarlet, open wide and his cries immediately halt. Louis gasps in a huge breath, his body heaving. Louis sits up, shocked and scared as he looks around.

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