Innocence (Mariana × K.O.)

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Sorry but I must.. XD

K.O. and Mariana have had feelings for each other since they met and they haven't really explored any... CLOSE things. *winks* But I can try and help..

"Oh come on Mariana!" Lucy complained.

"LUCY be quiet!" Mariana shouted covering her friend's mouth.

Lucy mumbled something but of course since her mouth was covered it wasn't heard. With a slick smile she licked Mariana's hand covering her palm in saliva.

"EWWW! LUCY WHAT THE HECK?!" Mariana said completely disgusted.

Lucy chuckled and pulled her friend's arm out of the door.

~With K.O. and T.K.O.~

"Oh come on dude!" T.K.O. complained completely mirroring Lucy's attitude to Mariana.

"N-No I won't d-do it!" K.O. said stuttering.

"You're such a big baby.." T.K.O. said looking down at his brother.

"D-Don't call me a BABY!" K.O. yelled. He pushed his brother a little bit too.

"I can call you whatever I WANT!" T.K.O. said pushing his brother back.

"What's going on boys?" Carol asked coming in.

"Nothing!" They shouted together.

"Okay,..... good" Carol reassuring herself.

They sighed and calmed down.

"You know you're gonna have to tell her eventually RIGHT?" T.K.O. taunted nudging him lightly careful not to let it escalate into another full-on fight.

"Y-Yeah I-I know.." He said looking down.

"Okay just- just do it today and-and then I'll tell Lucy about my thing for her, okay?" He said scared out of his mind with the deal he was making.

With a look of determination he nodded his head yes.

"Okay then I told them to meet us at the park." T.K.O. said.

"WAIT WHAT?!" K.O. said completely alarmed.

"Okay so we're going" T.K.O. said and pulled his brother out the door.

~At the park~

"They should be here by now.." Lucy said looking at the time on her phone. It read 4:00, She sighed. Maybe he was lying..

"T.K.O. FOR THE LAST TIME I NEVER AGREED TO THIS!" K.O. shouted clearly trying to get out of his brother's grip. His brother was too strong though and he made sure that K.O. didn't try to wiggle free.

"Well I never sweared on our deal.." T.K.O. shot back.

"Oh hey we're here" T.K.O. said.

"O-Oh hey..." Lucy said blushing a tiny bit.

Mariana smirked and with that she nudged Lucy. With this she only got redder but quickly shook it off.

"Mariana... K.O...." Lucy started.

"Y-Yes?" They both responded stepping nearer to each other and blushing.

"I-I know about your feelings for one another" She said.

"Y-You do?!" They both said. And she nodded her head yes.

"Wh-Who told you- or how did you find out?" K.O. asked.

"I found out about Mariana through observation and T.K.O. told me about you." She said showing no expression on her face.

K.O. looked nack at his brother, "DUDE WHAT THE HECK?!" He shouted. All T.K.O. did was cross his arms, he didn't give a care now. What was done was done..

"Wait how did you know about me?" Mariana asked tilting her head in confusion.

"You were obvious, you always got stuttery when you saw him or he was mentioned.."" She said. "You always blushed too" Lucy added.

Mariana amd K.O. both dipped their head in disappointment. How could they have left it so obvious?!

With a mischevious smirk on her face Lucy pushed Mariana into K.O. and T.K.O. did the same with his brother.

"Oh! Umm.." Mariana said since she was in his arms and blushing..

With that they put their heads against on another both of their faces glowing red in embarrassment.

"They were ment to be.." Lucy said putting her head on T.K.O.'s shoulder.

His face erupted in red as he saw this happen.

This is our group forever and ever...

Oof here you go KO-123

You and K.O. were ment to be!

ILY girl!


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