ch 6

390 14 2

[kyungh0 is online]

[kyungh0 has entered the groupchat "KT Rolster 2018"]

m.a.t.a.: nice win against skt today guys! :)

ucalculator: 2-1, what a close fight

scorki: yeh good job, wasn't a clean win but what mattered was that we won in the end

a1paca: skt's form is weaker lately hm

a1paca: curse of the worlds champions?

m.a.t.a.: to be fair i think they're tired. it's tough being at thw top for so long.

y00njae: true that. we never know when they'll get back up again, so let's train harder and watch out

scorki: ^^^ yes

scorki: if there's one team to be able to recover from a terrible slump, it'll be skt. we cant let our guard down.

a1paca: kyungho hyung is so quiet today hm

a1paca: i wonder whyyyyy hmmmmmmmm

a1paca: i wonder if it's got to do with our opponents today...

kyungh0: alpaca i stg

kyungh0: im grinding my smurf

m.a.t.a.: nice try but you're not in the practice room

kyungh0: um pc bangs exist

m.a.t.a.: eh why are you out then? it's not like pc bangs have better pcs than our practice rooms do

kyungh0: eh, just felt like it

[kyungh0 has disconnected]

[kyungh0 is offline]

m.a.t.a.: ...

a1paca: he doesnt seem to be in a good mood

scorki: :/ oh well maybe it's his time of the month

y00njae: he's a guy.

scorki: he tilts like a girl having mood swings tho

a1paca: sHIT im going to hell for laughing at that joke

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