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the picture went viral and many fans made speculations about it.

"faker and smeb are dating!"

"did faker make him team tilt on purpose so that he'll lose to his boyfriend lmao"

"b-but faker x peanut! :("

"so... are we rooting for kyunghyeok? yes"

"yes (2)"

"yes (5439494919)"

meanwhile, the two (actually three, if you count rox 2017) teams reacted... quite differently.

kt rolster has begun to tease kyungho, leaving the poor toplaner defenseless against the torrent of questions regarding him and sanghyeok's "love life".

rox tigers 2017 demanded a wedding as soon as possible. they also want five children. quoting peanut: "make five of them form a team, they'll be unbeatable!!" quoting pray: "wangho sweetie that's not how it works..."

skt? they remained quiet, reflecting over their losses and wins and trained even harder, hoping to redeem themselves next split. the occasional "kyunghyeok is real" comment lightens the tense mood. at least it makes the team - especially sanghyeok - smile, which was something quite rare these days.

what about our two rivals? Well, they never really talk anymore. kyungho was too embarrassed to ever approach him while sanghyeok was too preoccupied with his training to even check his phone.

perhaps, no matter how cute "kyunghyeok" could've been, it just wasn't meant to be.

or was it?

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