13. Checking In

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"Hey! Where you going all dressed up?" Jack asked Sarah.

Sarah was seated at the front desk and turned to look at him, her face beaming.

Jack moved to stand next to her. "Oh, got it. Mr. Grassi is picking you up for another 'friend' date?'" Jack teased.

Sarah blushed, "Yeah, he is."

Jack smiled back at her but then his face became a bit more serious.

"Sarah, is he treating you right? Are you doing okay? He's not pressuring you into anything, is he?"

Sarah blushed harder and looked at her feet, "No, he's not. We're just friends," she said to her feet.

Jack gently lifted her chin to make her look at him, "You're not just friends."

Sarah closed her eyes and whispered, "No, we're not. But were not boyfriend, girlfriend yet either. We, I mean I want to take it slow and he said I can take my time."

"What are you waiting for?"

"It's... it's complicated."

"Well, I'm glad he's not pressuring you. If you need time, then you need time and should take it. He is head over heels over you, but it's up to you. He, or anybody, would be lucky to have you."

Sarah just smiled.

Jack put his hands in his pockets and twisted a bit and asked, "Um, should I have a talk with him? You know, like threaten him with physical violence if he makes you sad?"

Sarah couldn't help herself and snorted at the thought. "Um, I don't think you could hurt a fly Jack."

"Well, maybe not, but I could accidentally release his next album with take 5 of track 3," he grinned.

"Oh my God, the take where his voice squeaked like a mouse and cracked like a teenager?" her body was shaking with laughter now. "He would die!"

Jack loved seeing her laugh so hard and be so open. "Well, you just let me know if you need me to have that talk with him," he smiled fondly at her.

"Okay. I will," she stood and gave him a big hug. "Are you going home now?"

"No, I've got some financial stuff I have to do. Let me know when he gets here and you go. I'll leave right after that."

"You don't have to stay. He'll be here soon I'm sure."

"No, this makes me stay and get some of it done, but gives me an out so I don't stay the whole night."

"Okay Jack. I'll tell you when he gets here."

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