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Civil war makes civil hands unclean.


Steve Rogers walks out from underneath an overhang, dressed in his complete uniform and his red, white, and blue shield in hand. The supersoldier glances around before breaking into a run towards the helicopter that waits. A sudden small missile flies through the air and stabs into the chopper's side. Steve steps to a stop, watching as an electric charge shoots through the machine and leaves it lifeless. Tony, dressed in his Iron Man suit, hovers about forty feet away before he flies over and lands hard onto the ground. War Machine drops down beside him, his metal boots clanking as he hits the cement. Steve watches them with a careful expression.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport." Tony quips as his helmet pulls back and he glances over at Rhodey, "Don't you think that's weird?"

"Definitely weird." His best friend plays along which the Stark responds to with a thoughtful nod.

"Hear me out, Tony," Steve cuts the joking mood, saying in a measured tone, "That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."

A man in a black vibranium suit leaps over a nearby truck, landing gracefully onto the ground just as his ex-girlfriend flies and drops down beside him. It's a simultaneous motion as the pair slowly straighten up to look at the supersoldier.

"Captain." T'Challa speaks up lowly.

"Your Highness," Steve bows his head slightly before looking at the brunette beside him, "Lisa

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"Your Highness," Steve bows his head slightly before looking at the brunette beside him, "Lisa."

"Steve." Lisa nods her own hello, but her movements are stiff and unnatural.

"Anyway." Tony steps around Rhodey's side, "Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in. That was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong people."

"Your judgement is askew." Tony's tone and his eyes alike turn hard, "Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday,"

"And there are five more supersoldiers just like him." Steve cuts in, speaking louder as they argue, "I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't."

"Steve..." A low voice turns the man around to look at the redhead woman; Natasha dips her chin down and her eyes are pleading, "You know what's about to happen." God, she herself knows better than anyone what's about to happen; she's seen this kind of civil war all before, "Do you really wanna punch our way out of this one?"

Even though the man is completely surrounded, Steve just turns back at Tony with a squinted and uncompromising expression.

"Alright, I've run out of patience." Tony snaps and holds his hands up to his mouth, calling loudly, "Underoos!"

A figure suddenly leaps in from above, yanking the shield out of Steve's grip and in turn tightly binding the supersoldier's hands in a cluster of webs. The figure continues his flip before he gracefully lands down on top of a nearby cart, his back arched and the shield at his side as he slowly lifts up his head and a boy clothed in a high-tech red suit stares back at them.

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