You opened your eyes to see Adrien holding you close to his chest, "Don't ever scare me like that", you got up and rubbed your forehead.
Adrien got up as well and touched your shoulder, "I'm fine Adrien, I just needed some rest..."
You turn around to face him only to be tackled in a hug,"(Y/N)!!" Marinette yelled as she hugged you tightly. She pulled away and stared deeply into your eyes, you notice how pretty they are.
"(Y/n)?" You shake your head and smile at her, kindly, "I'm fine Mari, by any chance...is she still there?".
Marinette bite her lip and turn to her side to give Adrien a nervous frown, "Y-yea...she's trying to get here but the principle along with Alya and Nino were blocking her way..." Adrien explained.
You nodded and looked around, you seem to be in Marinette's living room. Somehow you felt peace and comfort here like a missing piece was recovered.
"Do you want Adrien to take you home?" Marinette broke the silence, you whispered a no and told Adrien that he should go since his dad must be worried sick. (not really, Gabriel is a jerk.)
"Okay (Y/n), if you need anything please call me?" Adrien gave you warm hug and waved goodbye.
"Can I stay here, Mari?"
She gave you a shy smile and told you to follow her upstairs. Pink was definitely her favorite color, it's literally everywhere.
"D-do you want something to drive-I mean-drink?!" You chuckled and nodded. As she left the room you began to notice how cute she was and kind. Letting you stay here and treating you like a wonderful guest-filled you up with love.
Could it be?
Are you falling in love you Marinette?
"I brought you some warm hot cocoa, my parents just made it this morning" you snapped out of your daze and grabbed the cup only to touch her fingers.
She blushed and tried to pull away but you hold her down, "Marinette, you have a really nice room".
You grinned when she squirms at your touch, "T-thank you,(Y/n)", gently, you pulled her close to you and sneaked your arms under hers.
Marinette let out a squeal and shyly buried her head into your neck, "Can you make me a promise?" You whispered in her ear making her shiver.
She nodded and waited for your promise, "I want you to be by my side and never let somebody take you away from me"
You ran your fingers through her soft hair and buried your face into her hair, "promise?"
It was quiet for a bit and the only sound you can hear is her breathing.
The next morning Marinette and you went off to school together, holding hands. She seemed to very nervous and shy with every kind words you say but either way you both didn't know what was happening between you two.
Once you stepped inside the school Alya appeared with Nino by her side,"(Y/n)!" She yelled.
She rushed into you giving you a big hug while Nino patted your back, "don't worry Dude, the principle got it all control".
You hesitated for a bit but once Marinette gave you a squeeze in your hand, you felt calmer.
"Come on, we have class"
The four of you walked up the stairs to see Adrien waiting at the entrance of the class. He ran up to you and gave you a quick hug before pulling you inside the class.
Once everyone greeted you, the teacher walked in with a kind smile.
"Good morning everyone, I'm glad (Y/n) is feeling better" you smiled.
"Before we begin our lesson, we have a new student today!"
Everyone turned their gaze to a boy walking in, he looked familiar.
"Everyone, this is Luka, Juleka's brother."
Heyyyyy guys!!! Forgive me for such a late updated but stuffed happened and I was all over the place.
Soooo about the new miraculous episode....yea poor Adrien...that's all I got to say, well ✌️

Miraculous Ladybug/Marinette Cheng x Male!Reader (completed)
RomanceA Marinette/Male reader! There's romance,supernatural,and adventures on your way.