Chapter One

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Hi my name's Krista. I've never put a story on here before but I guess I'm gonna give it a go cause people tell me I'm a good writer. Just bare with me and tell me how I'm doing! (: On to the story! :D


Hey my name is Sophie Brooks. I'm an 18 year old Directioner from the UK. I guess that's pretty much my life...

"Sophie, wake up honey! It's ten o'clock!" my mom yelled up the stairs.

"Just ten more minutes mom!" I shouted back.

I heard the footsteps start up the stairs. I guess this is my cue to hurry my butt outta bed! I hopped up and ran to my door. I guess my mom heard me cause the footsteps seemed to reverse. Well I guess this means shower time. I began my morning routine then ran down the stairs.

"Mom, I'm heading to McDonald's for breakfast. Katie is gonna meet me there. Be back later!"

Katie was my best friend. We did almost everything together, besides moving in together. As kids we had always wanted to. Next week we were moving out of our parent's houses. While I was staying in the same city, Katie was moving to the U.S. Since she decided officially, we'd been spending practically every minute together.

As I pulled into Mickey D's parking lot I heard the DJ on the radio start talking about 1D.

"You heard right! First caller to tell me One Direction's first hit wins V.I.P. to their upcoming concert!"

My breaks screeched to a hault as the car horns honked around me. I grabbed my phone and dialed as fast as I could.

"Hello! Can you give us our answer to win One Direction tickets please?"

"WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!" I said with adrenaline rushing through me.

"You are absolutely right! You've got yourself V.I.P. tickets to what is known as the best band ever, ONE DIRECTION!" I heard the DJ say as I screamed recieving more honks from around me.


Okay so this was kinda an intro chapter. Tell me what you thought. Also, if there anything you want to happen in the story just let me know! (:

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